Ch. 17

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*Ok so y'all rembered when I hinted about a plot twist a few ch. Back. Well it's either going to unfold in this one or the next not sure yet. It depends on how it falls on the screen. I do want to thank you all  for reading my story.*

It was just me and him sitting around the fire in complete and utter shock. We didn't know soulmates exhisted much less even possible. But, it would explain everything the gravitational pull, my feelings everytime we are alone, the addicting current that shoots through us when we touch each other, all of it. Now the question that lingers in the air between us but never spoken. What happened now? How should we react to each other? Do we let nature take it's course? I  have never had or even thought of having to go through this. I know what my mind is telling me and I know what my heart is saying and I am not sure which I should listen to. I was lost in thought and locked on the flames that flickered between us. "When did you shift for the first time?" William whispered my eyes snapped up  to his. I just looked at him trying to debate what I should tell him. I didn't want to tell him the truth. "You don..." "I  was on my way back from going on a hunting trip. I had just turned sixteen. It was dark out and I was traveling on the main road. I was lost in thought not paying attention to who or what was around me." I took a deep breath buying sometime before I  relived the scarriest and most fantastic night of my life. "I came around a been in the rode to come face to face to the town drunk. He was known to get real nasty when he's  had to much. I stepped around him to continue on my way, but he mumbled something I couldn't decifer. He grabbed me by my  arm and jurked me back. He has his massive had gripped tightly around my upper arm I was immoblized." I glanced at Will face. It was stiff and completely blank. "Fear was coursing through my vains. He then suddenly shoved me to the ground. He straddled me across my stomach. I began to kick and shove trying to get his weight off of me. But it was no use. I was too small and he had about two hundered pounds on me...At the time I  didn't have the control I do now.My powers were very erratic and hard to control... I was helpless. The thoughts of what might happen spasmed through my mind. And then suddenly another presence exploded through my mind. It was her. She took over my body. She launched him off of He landed with a plop on the other side of the road. He quickly scrambled to his feet and stared. Fear was now his companion. I could see the whites of his eyes. My body then began to shift into our dragon. As soon as it was complete. We let lose a loud ferocious roar. I have never seen a human run so fast much less a drunkard. We leapt into the air and flew the rest of the way home. I gave my parents a good fright too."

"That explains a lot. Why didn't you ever tell anyone?" I just staired at him "because my father would have murdered that man... and we would have had to move again. Even farther away from the castle... and my best friend thought I was dead and living in the lap of luxury...So, tell me. Who was I suppose to talk to? The tree's? The blades of grass? Who William? I didn't have anyone...but my parents. I told them what they needed to know and thay was it." I was now standing leaning towards him yelling at  him. How dare him scold me for not talking about it!
"You have all that answers let's hear them! What was I suppose to do!" Tears threatened the corns of my eyes. I was livid and almost at a lost of words. Suddenly William stood up. "I am sorry, Aurora. I am sorry about everything. Not being there when I should have. My father and his atrocity. But...i am here now and I have tried to unlock your secrets since day find out how much I really needed to make up to you. Aurora I'm trying to bring you you can live in the lap of luxury again, but my father has to die first. I can't change you past. But I can your present and future if you would just let me in!" I was speechless and in complete and utter shock, again. I mustered up as much as a could of my voice "I  can't do that..." I was fighting back a sob. "And why the hell not..." "because the last person I trusted took two of the people I loved...and I  can't go through that pain again..." with that I turned and bolted. I had to get out of there before I  couldn't leave. I began to run. I ran past my tent, the anmial' s corral, the two soldier's on guard. I could hear him calling my name. The urge to stop and go back was almost over powering.  Gladerial was silent throughout the hole exchange. She feels he really loves us he come for me. It wasn't long until I  reach the cleaning  that I was training him in. I slowed my progress and that's when I heard it. The flapping of giant wings and loud roar. Then suddenly Will's wolfcric dropped in front of me. I skidded to a hult and staired. The only thing that  was going through my mind was Gladerial's thoughts of I knew it.

He shifted to his human form. A look of pure determination was set on his face. "Aurora...please... Don't go...""William were you not listing? I won't go through that again!..." He came with in an arms reach "You won't have to...I  will not betray you...I  would never jeopardize our friendship or what ever it is we have...I fell in love with you the very first time I  saw you. When my dad brought me over to show you who I would be marrying when the time came...I followed you like a bee follows honey. We were inseparable. That night when father broke the news you  and your family had been murdered. I didn't believe it. Even before I found you in that town I didn't believe it. This whole time I have been searching for you, Aurora." William began to pace back and forth. "My father did send me out for recruiting, but I am not recruiting. I was using that time to look for you and now that I have found you. I refuse to lose you again. I will follow you to the ends of the earth if I have to...I  loved you before this stupid soulmate crap." I was speechless. He face held no lie, no hesitation, nothing. This man just spilled his heart out to me and I am standing here like a bump on a log. "But...what if..." "If we lived on what of no one would step foot out there home..." He responded before I could finish. My fight dwindled my will broke. My legs buckled and I hit my knees tears streaming down my face. Next thing I know I feel two stong arms wrap around me like a protective cage.  "You have been strong all this time with no support besides yourself. It's ok to rely on someone. You relied on your parents before they were murdered. Now you can rely on me." He whispered to me. But, if I allow myself to love him and he dies it will be my undoing. "William...I...I...can't...I can't lose you...and that's all that happens to people who I love...They die" I sobbed out. "But I am different...I  do not think they would have made us soulmates if one of us was going to end up getting killed..." His grip tightened on me. We stayed that way well into the night. Somewhere I ended up falling asleep and he carried me back to my tent. He put me in my bed roll and stayed by my side the rest of the night.

*I Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading and as always please vote and comment. Plot twist is still in the works."

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