Ch. 15

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*I want to thank you all for reading & voting. FYI THIS chapter will be skipping ahead by about a week or so.*

*Aurora' s POV*
It has tookin us about two weeks to get across that stupid plain. We have finally began picking our way through a thin forest. We have about another day before we actually begin the tidous task of going up the mountain. Thankfully these aren't as steep as the ones I have come to call my home, but they are just as wide and long. The mountain ranges stretches from the coast all the way up to god knows where. Within these mountains are dwarves along with other creatures that have no name. Somewhere out there is the lost city of elves. They went into hiding about the same time my father was supposedly assassinated and the castle fell to Williams father. I have never seen an elf or a dwarf, but I know from how people talk about me I look like a elf. It just makes me want to see them that much more.

The sun has begun it's slow decent into the horizon. We are in a clearing atop a cliff. With a break in the trees it gives us a perfect view of the sunset and the miles we have traversed in the past month. It took us a whole month to leave my mountains and come to Williams. We still have probably another month worth maybe less of travel before we make it to the castle. All these places have names but father never spoke of them to me. I will probably learn there names in Williams training that I have to go through. Even though we both know I don't need it, but to keep up appearances I have to. Will sliding off Grunther pulled me out of my head ramble. I followed his action my two feet hitting the ground right beside his.

"We will make camp here for the night." He announced to what was left of the guards and me. His eyes lingered on me for a moment longer than the other's. I noticed it but the men didn't. I moved to set up my part of camp. Over the past month despite my efforts I have grown fond Will. I fear he has become more than just a friend, but I have this feeling I can't shake it. It's like a gravitational pull that I can't stop or ignore. I tried trust me. My tent was up and I stepped inside to set up my bedroll in case I decided to sleep on my own free will. Most nights I stay up and keep watch most of the night that is until Will comes and takes it over. I have lost count of how many times I plan to take watch all night and he comes along and distracts me. Taking my mind off of things past and future. I feel like a great weight is taken off my shoulders and I feel like my old self again. The tent was all set and ready for the night. I flip the flap of the tent and step out to be cought in a mesmerizing sun set.

The sun was sitting atop the trees. Spreading the sky with orange and purple hued clouds. Making the sky look like a bubbly ocean of color. The shining portrate lit up the world with the beautiful hues. The colors danced across my my face in the last warming rays of the sunset. 

I  could hear his light steps come up beside me. "Beautiful isn't it" he whispered "Yes it is." The sun still had had a good hour befor it finished it's decent into the horizon. The urge to shift  and fly in the fading sunlight surged through my bones. "What are you thinking?" I glanced over at him with a playful glint in my eyes. I evil grin spread across my face. I removed all my weapons and tossed them into my tent. Then I serged forward and jumped off the side of the cliff. I let my self freefall for a second before I shifted. All the while I could here their frantic cries.

*William's POV*

The sunset was beautiful tonight and even more amazing the way it danced across Aurora. She was removing her weapons with a look I haven't  seen on her face in a long time. She tossed them playfully into her tent. She glanced at me for a second before she runs and jumps off the cliff. I rushed after her calling her name. A minute later I could feel her presence in  my mind but it felt strange. Unlike any other creature she has been. This time I could feel something lurking in the back of her mind. Something that has never been there before. "Do you trust me?" "Yes" I answered without hesitation. A moment later I began to hear this wooshing noise that reminded me of a bird's flapping. But slow and powerful. I peek over the side to see what she had turned into. Suddenly a dark ginormous mass shot up the side of the cliff and latched a giant purple claw around my torso. I was instantly  jurked from the cliff and fly through the air. The creatures chest began to rumble "You should see your face." Aurora' s voice sounded off in my head. A smile broke across my face "and how would you react if some ginormous  figure came out of now where and grabbed you off a cliff. Huh" "tushay" and that strange noise happened again. "Is that suppose to be laughing?" "Yes it is." She began to pass me to her front paws. Thay then moved me to her side I climbed up on to her back. I sat just at the base of her neck. I instantly  realized just how big she was. She was much bigger than any dragon at the castle ever thought of being. She was such a dark purple it would have passed for black if not for the sunlight. Her underbelly was light tanish  gold color. She had two tan horns that spiraled out of the back of her head. Along with purple spikes that stuck out of her skull. On the tips of her wings was one long claw that curled out. Her tail had a massive  purple club perfect for smashing things. She is absolutely amazing looking. We were so high we have reached the clouds. We were flying through a sea of fluffy orange and purple  whisps. "How in the world do you change into this?" Her tail flicked "Our family weren't  the draginisk family for nothing. The dragon is our most sacred animal. She is her own person as much as  we are the one and the same." "Wait so your saying your dragon has it's own personality and this isn't just one of the thousands of animals you can change into?" "Yes, don't you shift into your animal?" "No, I  can't. We don't all have that luxury." "But all royals can shift into their families crest that's why they are all animals." "Your father never taught you?" "No, my father didn't train me...he hired a man to teach me to fight and to use my powers." Suddenly  aurora shuddered and another voice spoke. This voice was ancient and powerful " I have stayed dormant within the depths of her mind under her request." The voice became stern and angry "No one should live life with out there spirit one. We will teach you to unlock it." She with drew her touch. Aurora  shuddered again " sorry about that she kinda took over. But she is right. You need your animal." I just staired at the back of her massive head. "Now enough seriousness." She whispered. Suddenly  she hit a updraft and we went well above the clouds. We turned east towards the castle. If you looked hard enough you could make out a dark shadow. It would be mistaken for a mountain  unless you knew what to look for. "Is it really that close." "Yes, it will take about a fortnight to get there."

"I am not ready to return. It holds to many memories William. Both bad and good." "You will be fine, besides I will be there. I swear I  won't let anything happen to you."  I looked to the west and the sun had sunk well below the mountains horizon. It would be dark by the time we reach the camp and my men would be ferious with us. "Aurora...""Yea I know..." She tilted her body a and we banked left. We began our slow decent out of the night sky. What felt like seconds later she landed atop the cliff with a silence  I  didn't know she could do. Yet again I was taken aback  bay her shear size. My head barely reached her elbow. Her legs were like thick trees made for ripping and dismemberment of her enimies. Just as soon as she shifted from her human to dragon she shifted from dragon to human.

It still amazes me how that giant  creature could reside in her. But if her dragon is that large.  What would my animal size be. She was smiling at me with a look of hope. I returned the gestured and moved inside the camp.

"William...what we said before we ment it. We will teach you to shift into your animal." I didn't answer I just staired dumbstruck. Looking at her like she grew a third eye. She smiled and went to her own tent.

*This is Aurora' s Dragon*

*As always I  hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment

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