Ch. 11

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* Hope y'all are still enjoying the book. So question How do you think they will act around each other now? Will she fix it? or When she gets the castle she meats someone new? (Eye wiggle)* 

The sun was just peeking over the trees as I stepped out of my tent in full gear. All the while my shoulder and side screaming a protest, but I fought it. The men were running around and tearing camp down all except for one. He wasn't here. One of the men walked past me to begin his assault on my tent. I reached out to touch his arm and he flinched away. I let my arm fall "were is the prince?" I asked the man emotionless. "He turned back to me "The prince has a name Aurora..." he spat my name out in disgust "Sir William...Left early this morning scouting ahead. We are to meet him at the edge of the forest about a mile away from..." he let his word fall into silence. I knew exactly were he was. As far away from me as he could get. I don't blame him if I could I wouldn't be near me either. 

Everyone was ready in less than an hour. They were all mounted on their mounts and from that point I realized I didn't have a ride. Which is okay the great thing about have all five elements. Your abilities are nearly limitless. One of the men looked down at me with a look of pity. I hate pity more than being told what to do. "You can ride with me..."He stretched out his arm to pull me up. I might had taken it but I needed to release some stress. I threw my pack up to him "No thanks...But you can carry my things." I stepped away from them with all eyes locked on me. I gave them a smirk as I closed my eyes and began to concentrate. The energy for me to do this is minor. 

I felt my skin begin to crawl with anticipation. My bones began to shake as I formed the image I wanted in my mind and locked on to it. I felt my bones move into there new temporary places. My skin began to turn to fur as my teeth and eyes turned into the face of a predator. There was a loud pop as the change finished. I opened my eyes to see fear etched all over there faces. I don't blame them much I just shifted into a giant midnight black panther. I shook my body as I became use to my new perspective. "Great! Now how are we suppose to talk to her..." one of the men yelled in the back. I tilted me head to the side and opened my mind to them I can understand you just fine. If I have something to say I will let you know. I with drew and turned into the direction of Wills were about's and took off. I could here them a short distance behind me trying to keep up. I stayed at a steady space so I wouldn't leave them, but the urge to push forward and go faster was hard to keep reined in. 

It wasn't long till I bust through the trees into a small clearing. Will was in the center waiting lazily for the company to join him. The sudden noise in the clearing jolted him to attention. He locked as with me and scrambled to his feet ready for anything. I looked over at Grunther to find him staring at me. He snorted and went back to eating the grass while he still could. Will just watched us for a time. I should tell him its me but I knew his guards were not far behind and they would explain. I laid down in the sun to sun myself while I wait for the rest of the men to show up. It wasn't long before I heard their approaching noise and perked up at the thought of finally getting to go. They busted threw the brush louder than I had. They came to a halt and dismounted they glanced in my direction and turned back to Will. He had to peel his eyes from me to look at his men "Where is Aurora?" he barked. the men looked at him in confusion "Sir she's right there." he said as he pointed at me. Wills head snapped to me so fast I thought it would surely break. "What?" was all that left his lips. "Well she shifted into that when she realized she would have to ride double with Sam."  another braved. "Can she talk?" he questioned them. "Well kinda she talks in your head...Sir didn't she explain this to you?" another man voiced. He looked at me shooting daggers at me, but I ignored him, "No, She hasn't said a word to me." he growled out in anger. 

I stood up with impatience look i'll scout ahead so Sir William Can stay with his guard. I run faster than all of you put together anyway  I had said to them. William just stared shocked at the sound of my voice in his head. He quickly hid it with annoyance "Fine...Just a stay out of our way and don't spook the animals..." he snapped at me as he stalked over to Grunther and jerked his head up in frustration then jerked him to the center. Grunther had pinned his ears back in agitation. If I didn't know any better that horse had a glint in his eye I knew all to well, revenge.

Will stepped beside him and went to mount him. At that moment Grunther side stepped him and stomped on his foot. He gritted his teeth and growled at Grunther to be still. He continued to fan dance and evade Wills attempts to mount him. I snorted in laughter at the scene. Will shot me a murderous look "He didn't act like this till you came around...your probably scarring him... why don't you go on somewhere..." he spat at me. I glared at him never moving an inch. I wasn't the only one shooting daggers at him. He better watch his attitude or his precious horse is fixing to give him a lesson on manners.  Will turned back to Grunther. He allowed him to mount him. Will spurred him forward. Grunther took about five steps and decided that Will needed to come off. He ducked his head and flew into a bucking frenzy. Within seconds Will went flying off and landed in a heap at Grunther's feet. Will looked up at him giving him a beyond ferocious look. Grunther just looked at him and began shaking his head up in down like he was giving him a what to's and what for's. I lost it I was full on laughing at him even though I was sounding like I was a having seizure to them, it was laughter in my head.  

I was on my back rolling when I felt a rock hit me upside the head. It sobered me up instantly. "It wasn't that funny" he growled at me. Maybe not from your point of view but it was ours I said as I got back up and face the direction of the plain. 

* Sorry If this chapter was boring It was just a filler. Thank you for reading. Please Vote and Comment I really want to know your thoughts.*

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