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*I hope you are enjoying the story. I hope this chapter is better.*

It has been two days since I have began to try and teach Will to change into his spirit animal. We have made very little progress. His body will begin to steam up and shake but he can't get his bones to realse there human hold. It would be easier  if his animal would speak to him. Aurora  let him feel what you feel when we shift it might help him understand. But,that would invade on our bond I will not jeopardize that. I understand but I fear he is more important to  us than we both know. I won't be able to tell until his spirit animal is woken and that might be just enough of a nuge. We must do it for his sake.  Fine, "Will I  have an idea." "What is that?" "It's going to be strange but it might help wake him up." "Ok let do it." "Relax your body and mind. Focus on my thoughts, my feelings, the way my body feels when I shift." "I'll try." "That is all I ask."

I close my eyes and picture my dragon as a separate being. I then picture my self morphing into her mirror image and us merging as one. I then push my bones, skin, hair, organs, everything into place to match her. I could feel his presence in my mind but also something else that wasn't there before Gladerial you were right it worked, do you feel him. Yes...  I opened my eyes and look down at Will. He was shaking he was going to shift. "Will don't fight it! It is apart of let him have control." "But it hurts" he grunted out. " first one always does. Stop fighting or it will kill you." He instantly stopped and let him take control.

Wills body began to turn red and steam was rolling off his body. A ferrel growl emerged from his jaw. His men came running to the clearing to see all the commotion. They stopped dead in their tracks. Will had began to sprout fur all along his body. Massive  wings exploded out of his back. Another painful gurgle  escaped his lips. I could tell he was still fighting it "Relax Will it's almost over." His eyes snapped to mine. They were no longer wills normal midnight blue. They were blood red with blue streaks scatter throughout his eyes they were mesmerizing. There was a loud crack and bright red and blue light that engulfed him.

Wills men covered their eyes from the brightness. Just as quick as the light flared it disipitated. Will's spirit animal also his family crest stood before me in all his glory. He was a wolfcric. Basically a draconian wolf or dragon wolf or wolf dragon. They are extremely rare and of the oldest family lines.  His back and top of his wings were black. His face and underbelly was white as snow. He had a sharp face. His paws were like a wolf but had features of a dragon. He went to walk forward but he stumbled a little. Aurora they need to seal there bond "William hurry you must take your first flight. Don't think just feel. I am right behind you." He grumbled but wobled to the edge of the cliff. As he moved his steps became sturdier and more balanced. Once at the edge he lifted  his massive wings and launched off the cliff. He was very whobley but stayed in the air. He soon figured out how to propel  his self forwards and off they went.  I waited a moment and then leaped off the cliff right behind him.

But the time I cought up to him he had leveled out and looked like they have came to a understanding. He glanced over at me still unsure of his self. I could feel his mind touch mine. "Will it always be this hard?" "No, it will become as easy as taking a breath. The first shift is always the hardest. Even more so for you since you had never shifted until now" "well you have tought me how to shift now what?" "Now I will teach you how to fight, that training  will begin tomorrow. " "But I know how to fight?" "As a human but not as an animal." He suddenly shuddered and I knew who was speaking now. "You will not have to teach him. I am fully aware now." Next thing I know Gladerial is taking over. We are now circling each other. "Why did you not shift with your human before now?" "It was as if I had been locked in a dark box. I couldn't see nothing, my body felt numb an detached. I knew something was wrong but my mind was to muttled to think. So I have been locked in the back of his mind until someone destroyed the barrier." "That somone was my human Aurora." "I owe her my life. You know the penalty if one doesn't connect with there spirit animal." "Yes...I do."

With that they both retreated to the back of our minds. I was in full control again. I had noticed the sun was fading. I didn't want him to land in the dark his first time. "William, we should head back. Your first landing doesn't need to be in the dark" "Right" we both banked right and flew side by side back to camp. We it wasn't long and the camp was in view. "I'll  go first that way you can watch but it's gonna be a instinct thing. Now that your animal is awake things will be easier and he can help were I can not."

I went into a shallow dive. Just at the right minute I snapped my wings open and glided to the ground. Once on the ground I shifted back to human form. Again thankful for my special clothes. "Ok, now it's your turn." I watched as he made his decent. He finally landed pretty good. I looked up at him once he got his wings tucked right. Our animals we close to the same size. Mine looked bigger because of her long thick neck. But body wise, we are the same. He was watching me as I looked him over. I ran my hands through his fur. It was unlike anything I have ever felt before. It was so soft I have nothing to compare it to not even babies hair.

"Ok, here comes the difficult part. Here I can not help you. You must shift back. William  you must listen to your spirit animal. He is the only one that would be able to guide you to your human an form." He suddenly shuddered and  looked me up and down. He turned facing me full faced. He leaned in and sniffed the air. My body was on high alert. Williams spirit animal  must have felt the electric shock that buzzed through my body every time I touch him. I have come accustomed to the anomaly. I have no answer for what transpires between us nor if he feels it too. "Oh he feels it alright. It was your touch that broke the mind barrier that was placed on his mind. That shock is what awoke me. I know what it means because the thought is screaming in my mind. Does your animal not know what it means?" I just staired at him. "Gladerial?" I have had my theories, but kept it to my self because I have only heard of it once in all my generations. "And what would that be?" He is your soulmate and you are his.

*Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did weighting it. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment. I would really like to know your thoughts*

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