Chapter 3-Feeling

Start from the beginning

A guy with big lips stepped out as he gulped down a bag of what seemed to be candy as he went charging at you.

He's going to get sick from all that sugar..

You had brown fur and long ears with a thick large tail and a pouch as a flurry of punches came at you as it stopped as you threw one good blow to his stomach, making his face turn green. You suddenly ended up next to him by a bush as you patted his back as he threw up his insides.

"It is said carbonated water helps," You suggested as he looked at you.

"T-Thanks.." He said as he went to go lie down with the defeated.

You walked back over to face the students as a guy with with a birdish head and a black creature coming out of his abdomin.

"Dark shadow," You said immediately figuring out his quirk. Your ears turned a murky scalish brown fin as brown and blue scaled lined your body.

The creature rushed at you as you stood in place till it came close enough. That's when your body lit up bright as you opened your mouth, exposing long and ragged fangs, scaring the poor thing as you rushed at the boy kicking him in the gut and elbowing him in the face.

He was defeated as you carried him to the defeated squad.

A girl with green hair figured it was her turn as she stuck out her tongue while letting her hands hang down.

"Frog," You bluntly stated as a large 20-feet tongue swept around and wrapping around you.

"Caught you," She muffled out as in her muffled and friggish voice.

You looked at the situation at hand while giving her a look.

I don't need any form to handle this..

You had the ability to grab her tongue and brutefully swang it around causing her to fly and only get smashed into the ground, creating a crater while tossing her to the defeated.

A boy with greenish hair came up as he walked up to you nervously as he went into a fighting stance.

I can't figure out his quirk...

You decided to take matter into your own hands as you attacked first only to be used against yourself as somehow this boy threw you onto the floor.

You laid there, a bit dazed, till you hopped back up and threw attacks left and right alls well as keeping a straight face.

How did he do that?...

You suddenly punched him in the face as he let out a groan and a tiny bit of blood from the mouth.


"Ah, I'm sorry," You suddenly stated as you stopped attacking, worried for his health.

He looked at you a bit confused as he still tensed,"Sorry? How can you be sorry, though? You're a robot aren't you?"

You jumped at his suspicions while pulling him in to a knee in the gut with an elbow to the shoulder, nullifiying his movements.

You tossed him to the side as you keenly kept your nonchalant composure. More fights went on as the pile of either incapacitated or awake, but in a lot of pain bodies.

One guy stepped up. The special one. Perfect snowy white and red hair evenly on his head with a blue and grey eye. He had a scar on his left side, but you thought that it was unique.

"I don't know how technology has already went up to this sort of power," He said as ice traveled from under him, freezing you in place. Your body was beginning to numb as you were freezing cold. You suddenly closed your eyes as the ice began to crack all around your body. The boy was taken back by how easily you were able to do that.

"It's fine. You guys can just make another one," He said as he a wave of sharp pillars of ice suddenly rushed at you. You barely dodged it.

Or so you thought.

You moved to your right as you felt your arm being cut. Everyone gasped as the awake ones started to say,"She's bleeding!"

"Is that real blood?!"

"I thought she was a robot!!?"

"Aizawa sensei isn't she just a robot?!"

There was a large gash in your left arm as you starred intently at the blood gushing out and staining your clothes. You looked at Todoroki without a hint a pain as you said,"You got me,"

He looked surprised as you turned to Aizawa, walking to him.

"I failed the mission. I showed emotion," You apologised while you were still fataly injured.

"It's fine. That was the point of the mission. To see if you would actually show any sort of emotion at all, unknowingly," He pointed out as you thought about it.

"Aizawa-sensei who is she?! She's an actual person!?" A girl with brown-bobbed hair said as you had meaningly kept her awake.

"May I tell them?" You asked Aizawa as he nodded. You turned to the class as you bowed,"Hello. I'm sorry I lied to you all. I am not a robot and I am very sory for hurting you,"

The class looked horrifed at your corpsy state.

You gave them a smile as you felt your eyes being closed,"And if you can, can someone catch me as I'm going to collapse from bloo-?"

You were already falling as you didn't feel the embrace of the hard ground, but strong hands.

That is the end of chapter 4. Thanks for reading and please vote! Ciao!

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