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"What is a human doing in Prythian Summer Court?" Mor asked, stepping out of the shadows. The girl scrambled back a few steps. But there was confusion in her eyes.

"What are these too?" Cassian drawled, stepping closer, "Your pets?" The wolves growled, fangs still bared.

"Who are all of you? What in the world is Prythian and Summer Court? You are in Terrasen." The girl said, angling her sword and the light bounced off the blade.

Terrasen? What the hell is Terrasen?
"Terrasen?" Amren raised a brow.

The girl only rolled her uptilled green eyes, "You all are in Terrasen. Not Prythian or Summer Court or whatever the hell you all are saying."

Rhysand chuckled, stepping out with all of us. The girl step back, shocked at the sight of us.

"Your head must not be working right. You are not supposed to be here in Prythian." Rhysand spat. Our wings opening wide.

The girl wasn't intimidated but was... smiling. The wolves had stepped back already. "You either go out yourself or we are killing you." Azriel weighed his blade in his hand.

The girl only hooked one foot over another and looked up to the sky. "Oh dear me," the girl sighed dramatically, "Many threaten to kill me so you are not the first."

"Then I will be the last." Cassian growled, lunging forward. Then a flash of light and the sword is met by another sword by a handsome fae male. The male shook off the sword and shoved Cassian back. Where in Cauldron did he came from? The male moved back and then I noticed the white wolf wasn't there anymore.

"Of all the nerve, no one have called me a pet." The fae male drawled. Then the dark wolf flashed and it's place stood a similar fae male but with darker hair. They-they are twins. They are fully armed. What are fae doing with a human girl?

"Enough is enough." The girl snapped, stepping forward. The males rolled their eyes and stepped back.

"Listen here," the girl said firmly, "We are in Terrasen not Prythian. And I think you all must have come from another realm. Since all of you have weird wings but are Fae. I suggest you all to follow me to meet the queen. She might know what to do with all of you."

"We. Don't. Take. Orders. From. You." Mor said tightly. Amren fists clenching.

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." The girl said and her skin started to glow, her skin melted. And I screamed as a exact replica of me stood there.

Rhysand looked at me, confusion in his violet eyes. Me stretched my wings and frowned, "So this is what is made of?" The fae males all rolled their eyes at the sight of those wings.

"What in Cauldron..." Amren stuttered, stepping back. "Shape-shifter." Me bared those canines and tucked those wing.

"These are heavy, how in the world do you carry everyday?" The shape-shifter asked and the same human girl flashed back.

"Here is how it will go," The white male say, "You are in Terrasen. And you will not attack someone from the Queen of Terrasen's Court or the queen herself will come after all of you."

"Then what?" I asked as my wings disappeared.

"I think we should bring you all to see the Queen of Terrasen. She might know how to send you back to Prythian or wherever you come from." The dark male muttered.

"Fine by me." My mate said, Cassian and Azriel sheathed their swords.

"Okay, I am Lady Lysandra of Caraverre. A member of the Queen of Terrasen's Court." Lady Lysandra dipped her head.

"I am High Lord of Night Court, Rhysand. This is my mate, High Lady of Night Court, Feyre. These are her sisters, Nesta and Elain. Then that is Cassian, Arizel, Morrigan and Amren. My Inner Circle. We are all from Prythian." Rhysand pointed to each pf us in turn.

"Well then," Lady Lysandra turned on her heel, "Follow me. The Queen will find you all rather interesting." The males then flashed back to wolves and trotted after her.

I can only follow her and pray that the Queen isn't like Amarantha.

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