Forest of Terrasen

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I groaned as I sat up. I look around, where the hell are we?
The trees around us are lush and big, the sun bright as I stood up.

"Where are we?" I asked as Rhysand stood up.

"I think we crossed the portal to Summer Court." Cassian murmured.

"Let's visit Tarquin, it's been a while since I seen him. Let's walk, I feel rather stiff today." Rhysand laughed, his dark wings disappearing.

We started to walk down the path. Then Nesta stopped, fae ears twitching.

"What's wrong?" Cassian asked, taking her hand.

"Shh, I think something is not right. Quick, hide." Nesta whispered, yanking Cassian behind a tree. We hid cluelessly. But I trust my sister.

"I am only saying this once," a female voice said out from the path. She is a human. About twenty. She's beautiful, I give her that. She had long dark hair  and uptilled green eyes. She was slim and lean. She is well dressed, a flowing white blouse and tights, paired with boots. She had a simple sword at her side, along with a few daggers at her belt. Two large wolves flanked her sides, one dark and one light. One pure white and the other dark. They prowled closely next to the human girl.

"How do a human girl get through the Wall tp Prythian?" Azriel hissed. "No idea, let's get her out." Cassian wrapped a hand around his sword hilt.

Then the wolves stopped. As though they know, are they hunting wolves that the girl raised? The dark haired girl notice the wolves stopped and she stopped as well.

"What is wrong with you two?" The girl asked the wolves as though they can talk to her. Both wolves started growling and snarling. The wolves must be her loyal pets, otherwise they will eat her. The white wolf started trotting to in our directions.

Then a blast of night sent it sprawling across the ground. Rhysand. Azriel and Cassian silently drew their sword.

"Fenrys!" The girl cried, rushing to kneel beside the trembling white wolf. The white wolf - Fenrys must be its name, slowly got to its feet, unharmed.

The girl stood up, scanning her surroundings but we are well hidden. Rhysand shot Cassian and Azriel a glance. It's time.

Cassian and Azriel jumped out, wings wide and swords at hand. The wolves growled, baring their very, very unusually strange long fangs.

The girl whipped out her own sword and snarled, "Who are you two?"

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