I close my eyes and turn to face the road, I'm so close to give it up. Close to let Harry do what he pleases with me.

"I get it Jade.." He sits next to me and grabs my hand, my whole body electrifies and I suck hard in my breath. "You don't trust me. I'm moody and pompous. I wouldn't trust myself either. But...look into my eyes." I shake my head and he uses his fingers to turn me around.

" I can take it Jade. I'm ready to let you save me. But I need a signal of some sort or I'll go nuts."

I still don't know what to say.

" You can't keep doing this!" I hear him yelling at me when I stay quite. " I can't hold on to nothing, you need to tell me! Is what I feel for you an one side thing?''

I hear the desperation. The solemn tone and the grief, yet my lips remain sealed. My body shut down, tired of feeling so harmless.

He squeezes my hand harder, trying to awaken me while I only aim for the road.

Headlights flashes on the far end and I take a breath of relief, jumping on my feet.

" You called him." He can't seem to believe his own words.

'' Who else would I call?"

'' Everybody, but him!" He screams taking few steps backwards, his hands deep in his hair.

" So is this how is going to work? Him in public and me relegated in a dark room between the sheets?'' I spin on my heels and push him.

'' What is wrong with you!" I shout back and Harry freezes, looking down to me not believing his own eyes.

'' What is your damn problem? A moment you want me, the next you despise me and then again you say you love me only to call me a whore soon after! This is the exact reason why this won't work!"

Louis pulls closer and I lean in to open the door but Harry shoves me away, not using much strength I must admit.

" You can't go with him." I roll my eyes and try to win him over but it's not working. Harry looks so tall and frightening with his hair pushed back and the pitched black eyes.

" You don't get to tell me what to do!''

" Alright enough, guys.'' Louis jumps off and come to put himself in between us, protectively sweeping me to the side.

'' Jade get in the car." His tone is peremptory. I missed this side of him, how he manages to stand between me and everything bad.

" No, she can't do it. I need to talk to her." Harry jerks Louis' hand off from his chest and I manage to get inside just as his palms pressed against the window, pulling restlessly to the handle.

'' Jade, please!" He begs and I just close my eyes, cupping my ears sobbing for everything that is going on.

No tears escape, just silent whispers of my painful chest.

" You can't take her, I want her."

" She ain't a damn object Harry. Get over it, she is done with you!" The car shakes and I dare to look up to see Harry pinning Louis to the vehicle. I curse and bang on the door to catch his attention. I swear if he hurts him, I'll punch him in the face.

" I'm not fighting with you. I just want to take her home so we can all chill out and sleep over this." He seems petrified by Louis words.

" You..." Harry's fist fall  to the side like he is giving up and Louis finally touches the floor with his feet, moving fast to get in the car.


I stay quite the whole ride back, mostly because we haven't talked much since that day he kissed me. Louis takes me to my mother's house. He forgot I have a dorm but it's fine, I don't have it in me to contradict him, so I hug him tightly before saying goodbyes.

'' Jade.." He eyes me carefully and I am too ashamed to meet his glare so I fix it on my feet.

'' Never seen that boy so heartbroken, not even the last time. I think it's better if you both stop tearing each other to pieces."

There's a bell ringing inside my brain but I turn it off not wanting to feel it.

" Anyway, goodnight." I try to thank him but before I can say anything, he's gone. I puff in defeat and use my key to get inside.

Everything is dark and silent, I make my way to the kitchen to have a glass of water only to find my mother on the table, fainted on a sea of papers.

I grab a blanket from the couch and tenderly pull it over her shoulders. She seems peacefully and even smiley. It lifts my heart to see her this relieved.

I grab the glass and fill it, when the cold liquid runs down my throat, it burns for how sore it is but it gets better almost immediately. I place it on the counter and hold to the sink, thinking about everything that has happened. About Harry.

Louis said he looked heartbroken. But it's not really my fault. He keeps insulting me, how can I take it?

I want something certain to where I can put my heart and let it rest without being afraid it will fall and get wreck.

" Jade?" My mother murmurs raising her head in confusion when she sees me. I weakly smile and she jumps from her chair to come hugging me.

" Oh my god you could have called! I'm so happy!" I giggle and hug her tightly.

" Surprise!" My tone is not convincing, nevertheless I keep playing the part.

" How are you? How is college?'' We sit down and have a cup of tea, while I explain my mother the dynamic of living on my own and the friends i have met, avoiding talking about Jamie. I tell her Harry goes in the same college as me and she flinches.

" Well, he's smart of course he would be there." She elbows me and I eye her sceptically. How does she even know that? He probably got admitted for his family money.

" How is Harry?''

This is an out of the blue question.

" What do you mean?" I'm totally taken by surprise, why is she interested in him now? I thought she heard Louis when he told her he broke my heart. I thought we were on the same team when it comes to boys.

" I meant what I just said. How is Harry? Is he okay?"

" Yeah, last time I saw him, he was walking on his own legs." I sip at my tea and she looks puzzled so I dig further.

'' Why the question?''

'' Oh nothing..." She plays with her nails then her rings.

" Mom?'' I press and she rolls her eyes, staring into me with a worried look.

'' I probably shouldn't tell you this, but..." She stops and bites her lips. I know she only wants to be persuaded so I do just that and she finally talks.

" When you were in your room with Louis that night and he kissed you, remember?" I nod and her face falls as she runs her tips on the edge of her cup. " He was there too."

My whole body blacks out and I pant.

All the puzzle pieces collide together finally making sense. He was there, he saw Louis kissing me! He... oh.

INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now