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Its Saturday in the morning. Haejin wakes up and goes downstairs to have her breakfast without thinking to wash her face first. usually, she will stretch her body once she's already at the living room

but this morning greet her with making her shouting in shock.

"nice body shape" Taehyung who sit on the couch said while looking at Haejin with his sexy eyes

"How can you come inside my house? where are my parents?!!!"

"Woah chill, says the one who doesn't know how to chill" he rolls his eyes

"where are they?" she folds her arms

"they are leaving for work and told me to wait for you to wake up"

"wtf? why are you here anyway?" she ties her hair into a messy bun

Taehyung who's sitting at the couch already swooning over her because she just wearing a singlet and a short pants

"so this is how you look when you don't have your clothes on"

and with that Haejin shout while throwing all of the pillows at the living room to him

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. go get ready, I will wait in the car"

she walks back at her room and forgot to ask him where they wanna go but she's too lazy to go downstair back so she just gets herself ready

after that, she locks her house and going inside the car

"where are we going?"

"Just follow me" and then he drives off

Haejin was thinking to arrive at the place that they want to go quickly because she hates awkward situation

once they arrive, Haejin just stood in front of the boutique and stare at the shape of a mannequin

"even the mannequin has those body shape," she said but didn't realize that she said it out loud

Taehyung from behind, hang his hand on her shoulder and whisper

"you're not fatty, you just too small and tiny"

and then he drags her by her head

they choose Haejin dress first since the world said that woman takes time to buy their things but Haejin isn't the one who chooses her dress

but Taehyung choose it

"Hello Mr no chill, are you the one who will wear it or me?" she put her hand at her side waist while tapping her foot

"Just shut up you smurf" and then he throws the dress that he chooses to Haejin

"go try it, I will wait here" he sits on the couch while opening the book of magazine

but the magazine that he was reading right now attracts me because the front cover is Jeon Jungkook!!

"ahh!! my Jungkook!!" I shout while snatching it from him

he just looks at me with his sexy glare eyes and then stands up and take it back from me

"I don't ask you to look at him nor snatch it from me, now go. hurry up, I have more things to do later" he rolls his eyes and sits back

"well, I didn't ask you to give me an errand to do everything that you want" Haejin stuck out her tongue and run away when Taehyung pretend to catch her

"she's still young and not matured" Taehyung thought

"Is he a pervert or what?" Haejin said as she keeps her expose back at the mirror

without thinking twice she gets out from the fitting room and just stands in front of Taehyung

"it's too revealing, I don't want it"

and then when Taehyung looks up, he quickly looks away. the first word that came in his mind is


"no, I like it" he crossed his leg and smirk

"do I look like a bitch to you?" she points to herself while talking to him

"yes, but a bitch that everybody can't have except me"

and then Haejin roll her eyes and walk back into the fitting room

Taehyung just stares at her exposed back and thinking about something dirty in his small mind

and then they go to the next shop to buy their rings

"Just pick anything that you want," Taehyung said and make Haejin can't blink her eyes as she amazed by the beautiful rings that were in front of her

after she had chosen, they go from there and send Haejin to home. but Haejin took this chance to buy her mc Donalds since she can't get it when she arrives here

"taetae, can you go at the mc Donalds drive-thru?" she trying her best to act cute

Taehyung looks at her and makes a shocking face

"please please don't do that. too ugly, too ugly" but inside of his heart he was jumping and nervous because Haejin is too cute to resist

Haejin rolls her eyes and keeps quiet until they are about 1 km to arrive at Mc Donalds

"You want it or not?" Taehyung ask

she just keeps quiet and pretending to be mad

"if you don't want it then-" she cut her words

"I want it you stupid!! why can't you understand the meaning of 'silence means yes' are you a man?"

"Okay babe, everything for you"

he starts to flirt with her and set her as a new target even though he knows that Haejin is the type that was hard to get

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