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"Jimin helps me!!" Haejin shouts through the phone

"can you please stop disturbing my precious time with my girlfriend. what is it again this time?" Jimin is so done with her

"help me to run away from all of this, I don't deserve this. it would be better if I just stay still at Manchester rather than marrying that prick" Haejin begs

"no, i don't want to commit any crime" and then Jimin end the call

"Haejin, remember. behave" her mom said

she sighs and rolls her eyes

"Why are you making me do this?" she whispered to herself

and then, they arrive at the restaurant that belongs to Kim's family. Haejin gives an excuse to her parents saying that she wants to use the toilet

but the truth is, she wants to escape from there. she hid behind the wall and waiting for her parents and the Kim's family to get inside

once they're in, she gets out from her hiding place and runs toward the entrance, she's running while said

"it feels like I'm free from the grip of Satan"

"Woohoo, I'm free"

but before she can step her right foot outside, someone grabs her arm and bring her inside the restaurant back.

"it looks like hell would love to have me as their guest" she sighs while being drag and then stop

"do you think you can just go whenever you want huh?"

she looks up and shocks

because the person who drags her was no other than Taehyung

"you're that no chill dude" she keeps blinking her eye to make sure that it's real or just some imagination

"what's up with the nickname?" he raises his eyebrow

"that's not important right now, but what is important right now is" she stop and look to the left and right to make sure that there is no one there

"Why are you here?!!" and then she inhales and exhale the air

"because you're being a bad wife for running from your husband" he wink

"I pray to god that I will see you burning in hell when I was on my way to heaven" Haejin rolls her eyes

Taehyung suddenly laughs because he thinks that Haejin is too ugly and look funny when she's mad

"You count until 30 and then you can get inside" Haejin walks away from him

"This girl, she knows how to play with the word," he said and not even care to count until 30

"There are the both of them" Taehyung's mom point toward Haejin who's at the front and Taehyung who's at the back

"did you guys sneaking to meet each other from our back?" Haejin's mom tease

"no-no, it's not like that-" and suddenly Taehyung came while said

"yes we met privately" and then he winks

inside of Haejin's heart, she's trying to prevent herself from throwing the things that she's holding right now straight to Taehyung face

both of their family chatting happily. while both of them, we even can hear the sound of the air

"so let's get it done" Taehyung's dad passing Haejin's dad some document that both of them need to sign

"Honey, it's your turn" Haejin's mom pass the document to her

she holds the pen and hesitating to sign it. she looks at her mom, her dad and lastly at Taehyung

"I would love to live forever with you" Taehyung mouth and make her feel so disgust

she cant do anything so she just signs it

when her mom wants to take it from her, she grabs it tight and not letting her mom take it

she looks at her mom while shaking her head

"mom, please" she mouth

"I said behave" and then she let go of the paper and put her head on the table

suddenly her phone ringing, she looks at her phone boringly and her face light up so sudden

"excuse me, I need to pick up this phone" and then she goes outside the room that they eat

"you want to follow her?" Haejin's mom ask Taehyung

Taehyung just nods and bow at her. even though he's a playboy, he still keeps his nice manner toward the oldest

so he follows Haejin from behind and hears every conversation between her and Jimin

"Chim Chim, what am I supposed to do now? I already sign it!!" she whining

"can you stop being a baby for one day?" Jimin on the other line said

"I wish I can be just like you, have a girlfriend who you truly love. while I, getting married to a person who originally belongs to hell. what you expect me to react? happy? oh no never"

once she turns around she widened her eyes as she saw Taehyung was looking at her while leaning at the wall

"Chim, talk to you later. the satan has arrived" and then she ends the call

"so glad that you're remembering about me when you talk with your cham cham" he walks to Haejin and stands beside her

who's busy looking at the scenery

"it's Chim Chim, not Cham Cham" she rolls her eyes

"your boyfriend?" and then she makes a poker face and said

"mind your own business" she walks away

"I'm trying to be nice here" Taehyung shouts

she turns around while scoffing, "don't do that in public, I'm scared that someone will be asking for you to stop being fake"

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