let down your hair

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Interior Richie's Room
Richie's POV

Y/n chose to leave with the Tremblays. I'm not shocked or surprised. I had it coming anyways. Yet, her not being around is going to be depressing.

"You'll see me at school." Y/n said while putting her stuff in a bag. "Until Monday. A weekend without you. That sounds terrible!" I threw my hands in the air. "For gods sake Rich, You'll be fine, just stay out of trouble." She kissed my cheek and walked out the room. I ran behind her and pulled her into a kiss. She pulled away slowly and smiled chicly. "I'll see you Monday." She said. "See you Monday." I repeated, and watched her leave through the front door.

I ran to the window and waved good bye again. She smiled and blew a kiss. I playfully caught the kiss and placed it in my heart. She laughed and got inside the car. Slowly driving away.

"God dammit y/n." I punched the window. "What was that all about?" A voice behind me spoke. I turned around and saw my elder sister on the door. With a wide grin plastered on her face. "What are you doing here?" I awkwardly crossed my arms. "Party tonight, want to come. Get the high school vibe for a night." She twerked her eyebrows. "Actually." I looked at the clock. Fifteen until 7. I cursed and grabbed my jacket. "Meet up?" She asked confused. "Pretty much." I said and ran out the door. "Not for sex or drugs, right!" She yelled from upstairs. I rolled my eyes and yelled, "No! It's the losers club meet up!"

"It better be you dumb bitch."
"I heard that!" I yelled from the front door.

I got on my bike and started to Bill's house. I assume today we are talking about the dumb play.

Interior of Tremblay's Car
Your POV

I looked out the window and stared at the horizon. I still can't believe I'm being adopted. Sometimes all of this feels like a dream. Something that's so unrealistic. Like being manipulated by a psycho clown. Living in the 80s. Being part of another family, which you don't need. But you really do in the situation you're in.

"How was your day at school?" Olivia asks. I snap out of my thoughts and say, "it was good, we rehearsed this a scene from our play." "I heard you guys will perform it for the whole town to see." She twerked her eyebrows. "Yeah, im pretty nervous about that." I cracked a smile. "Y'know, it's okay to be nervous. You'll find a way to control it." Jonathan beamed. "Food will probably do." I chuckled. "Uuuhh, talking about food, are you hungry? We can go get some pizza." Olivia suggested. "Sounds good to me." I nodded. "To the pizzeria m'ladies." Jonathan exclaimed.

Interior of Bill's room
Richie's POV

"Richie where were you and y/n?" Asked Eddie crossing his arms. I shrugged and the rest leaned forward. "That doesn't imply anything with you." I said. He shook his head and took a deep breathe. "You know you are very young to be doing that stuff, right?" Stanly spoke. "And did you know curiosity killed the cat." I replied. "Richie! We're you're friends! What if things went wrong? Think rich. Do you want to ruin your life with a child right now!?" Said Eddie. "I know what this is about." I snickered. They gave me a funny look.

"You all have a soft spot for y/n, don't you?" I smirked. "WHAA—Ah,No!" Billy said. "It's obvious, we all fell for her on the very beginning." I crossed my arms. "Richie...listen....listen." Ben said. "We care about you. We just wanted to tell you to—"
"Find a better place, because a closet isn't the right choice." Stanly finished for him. "Can we talk about something else? This is getting very uncomfortable." I exclaimed.

"Eddie's birthday is coming up soon." Billy said. "Right! How old are you turning, 7?" I sarcastically clapped. "Very funny, I'm turning 14." Eddie walked to get a tissue. "Is your mom doing anything for your birthday?" Mike asked. "I don't know, she said she might make me a cake though." Eddie stuffed his nose with a tissue. Which reminds me. I have to do a stupid photo shoot with Eddie. "What's up Rich? Something wrong?" Bill said. "I just remembered that y/n asked me to do a photo shoot with Eds here." I explained with a heavy sign. "What? Why?!" Eddie exclaimed. "In order for her to be my girlfriend, I have to do that." I explained. "Y/n must be pretty special to you then. You're taking sacrifices for her. Interesting." Stanly stroke his imaginary beard. "What if she is Stanly? I've seen you lurking at that girl that plays the evil queen." I spoke. "How'd you know!?" Stanly shockingly asked. "It's obvious, I can tell." I leaned back on the rolling chair. "What's her name anyways?" Ben said. "Wait, isn't she the tomboyish girl, that loves to dance?" Eddie spoke. "Yeah, I think her name is Jerid, Jerid something." Ben said.
"Jerid Jankowski. She's in my english class." Mike stood up.

Jerid Jankowski is @GeriTheKiller 's OC (original character)

"Stanly and Jerid....hmmm....that sounds like a pretty cute couple." I said. "I don't really know her." Stanly shrugged. "Jesus Stanly, that doesn't matter right now. You'll get to know her soon." Eddie threw his arms in the air. "It's all about her personality, right?" Bill said. "No, it's about how fucking hot she is." I flicked my tongue. "God dammit Richie." Stanly cursed.

Interior Tremblay's House
Your POV

"Welcome home!" Jonathan exclaimed as he opened the front door of the house.

The outside of the house was stunning. Flowers were everywhere along with puffy bushes.

"Wow." I stared in awe. "Let's walk inside, so you can see your room." Olivia grabbed my shoulder. "You're going to love it." Jonathan walked on the other side of my shoulder.

I've never gotten so much attention, that all of this, is new for me.

We walked up the stair case with the smell of pumpkin spice latte aroma. The holidays are coming up soon. That's the spirit.

"This is our room." Olivia Pointed to the door across the stair case. "We'll give you a tour tomorrow. But now, it's getting late. You should go to bed now." Olivia explained. "Definitely." I chuckled and followed Olivia through the hall way. Where she led me to this room, which I should call now 'room'.

"There's clothes in the drawer. Get comfortable." Olivia explained.

She gave me everything that was needed. She even gave me a cool necklace with my name on it.

"If you need anything, you know where our room is." She said. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine." I replied. "Alright, good night." She kissed my forehead and left. I sighed and walked up the bed, and got ready to take a 20 hour nap.

That should be enough.

"Y/n!" Someone yelled. I sat up and looked around the room. The sound was coming from outside. Wonder who it is.

I walked to my window and glanced at the ground. And there he was. The most unexpected person to be found. Richie. Smiling. With a what looked like a rock on his hand. I opened the window and whispered. "What the heck Richie! What are you doing here?"
"Can't I stop by to say Hi?" He asked. "At this time of the night, no!" I said. "What are you expecting then? Oh Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" Richie dramatically exclaimed. I snickered and closed the window. "I hate you." I heard him say. "Love you too." I responded.

Then a knock was heard on the window. I assume it was the rock on his hand. I bit my tongue and walked back to the window.

"Let me in." Richie said. "Are you crazy! I just got a home. Are you trying to ruin it?!" I responded frustrated. "Correction, I'm crazy for you." He winked. "My Fuck boy detector says run." I raised my eyebrows. "Stop calling me that! I'm no F boy. I just like to be with you." He said. "It's hard to know if the words coming from your mouth are true sometimes." I shook my head. "Are you calling me a liar?" He questioned. "Well I'm not calling you a truther." I crossed my arms. "That reference though." He laughed. "Fine, come in." I giggled.

His face lit up and he sprinted to this little latter that was next to my window. As if it was puttin there on purpose.

He got in and walked up close to me. So close I could feel his hot breathe on my face.

"What's your goal." I asked. "To be with you." He got closer. "For?" I smiled. "Forever." He grinned and kissed me.

Yo ass got a cold now, don't it. I'm honestly feeling embarrassed about this book. I don't know what I was thinking when writing this. I re read it and felt like everything was just trash and scrap chapters.
And my attempts on humor are low key bad :((
Also just to end this, wtaf. 7k reads. I'm sh00k m8. If you're liking this book, I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22. ha! Thanks for keeping up on this book. Until next time.

Sorry for any mistakes, I will edit the chapters later! Me not updating is me not feeding my own children as a mother.

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