Hope that cleared things up. If it didn't, sorry, I am quite confusing to myself as well.)

Once the duo had left, Harry and Ron rounded on Hermione. "Hermione! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Ron hissed loudly.

Hermione shook her head before protesting "But he was cute!" "He's a random stranger that looked like a Slytherin!" Harry whisper-shouted.

"And did you see that cold smile he gave us!? And his guardian looked like a Death Eater!" Ron interjected.

Hermione sighed and said "I hope he's in our year."

Harry and Ron exchanged exasperated looks. "Forget it, once we get to Hogwarts, she'll see how evil he is." Ron said.

"But what I'm confused about is if he is going to Hogwarts, why haven't we seen him before?" Harry asked.

"He might be a new transfer student." Hermione added from behind them. "I mean, he must be transferring from another school."

"And of course, for our luck, he had to come to Hogwarts." Harry groaned.

"Oh come on, don't judge a person you haven't even talked to yet!"


I hurried out of Flourish and Blotts with my new books under my arm, my mind whirling from my recent encounter with the supposed Golden Trio that my grandfather had explained to me.

The guy with the lighting scar on his forehead... That must be Harry Potter, the boy who had nearly killed my grandfather.

Gah, he looks stupid already.

And that girl.... Hermione Granger or whatever her name was, she kept on staring at me! Ok, if you want, stare at anyone else but not at me.

I'm extremely good-looking, but I'm not in the mood for that right now.

I handed Nathaniel my books and he pointed his wand at them. I watched in astonishment as the books dissolved into thin air.

"Hey, where did my books go!?" "Calm down, I just transported them back to Voldemort's mansion so we don't have to carry it around all day." Nathaniel said impatiently, rolling his eyes.

 I smiled sheepishly. Whoops, what a seaweed brain I am.

I sighed as we continued to walk through Diagon Alley. This was actually pretty boring now that I thought about it.

Once we had gotten my potion supplies, my robes and my new pet, which was a snowy white owl that I had named Chase, we entered a shop called "Ollivander's."

The store was pretty dark and musty, and I coughed the instant I had stepped inside. There was a rustling noise and a short old man with white hair popped out behind a dusty counter.

"Ah, new people! Who are you, boy?" The man asked.

I swallowed as I looked at him. He didn't look very stable, if you asked me. "My name is Percy Jackson."

"Percy Jackson.... I assume it's short for Perseus, right?" The man questioned, tapping his fingers on the counter. I was shocked. How the hell did he know!?

"Yes, but do not call me that. Ever." I said. The man, who I assumed was Ollivander, shrugged and walked around the counter to stroll through aisles of dusty brown boxes. "Whatever you say, Jackson. You're looking for a wand, hm?"

"Yes-"I started, but stopped when a measuring tape magically rose from the counter to unfurl in front of me. It then zoomed down to my right arm and started to measure it.

I wanted to jerk my arm back, but Nathaniel shook his head. "Don't move, or this is going to take forever." He said.

I sighed once again and waited until the measuring tape floated back to the counter and lay still once more. Ollivander came back shortly with a box, and he opened it to reveal a stick that I knew was a wand.

"Give that a wave." He said, handing it to me. It was light, and I waved it once, just like the old man had instructed. Instantly, the windows shattered, shards of glass flying in every direction. I ducked and so did Nathaniel and Ollivander. Once the glass had stopped flying, I handed Ollivander the wand. "I don't think that was the right one." I said.

"You're quite right, young man." Ollivander mused as he put the wand away and pulled out another box. "Here, try this one."

Fifty wands later, Nathaniel and I were growing impatient. Nathaniel was sitting on the floor, toying with the hem of his cloak. I was sitting at the counter, annoyed at how long it took me to find a dam wand. Ollivander came back with another box and said "This wand is extremely powerful, even more powerful than Harry Potter's. Give it a try."

Groaning, I opened the box and took out the wand. It was blue and green, with mermaid scales around the bottom of the wand. (No mermaids were harmed in the making of this wand.)

I gave it a wave and a jet of water shot out and flew out the shattered window. I smelled the ocean and the scent of the beach and instantly knew this wand was the one.

"Ah, interesting choice." Ollivander muttered as he eyed the wand. "Okay then, Mr. Jackson. Ten Galleons if you please."

Once I had paid, I left the shop and turned to Nathaniel, who was looking at the list again. He looked up and gave a strained smile. "We're done. Let's head back now."

"The wand thing took forever!" I protested, but Nathaniel ignored me as we left Diagon Alley.

Word count: 1593

I have swimming class for two hours and I hate it.

Percy Jackson, The Heir of SlytherinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum