Chapter 11

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Peter and his squadron of Narnia's finest warriors set out from Cair Paravel with the rising sun. The journey to the northern borders was half a day at a steady walk, but the time the reached the foot of the mountain ranges the sun was sitting at its highest. 

As the squadron prepared themselves, Aras turned to the Griffin; Dartho. "Fly ahead and alert Harfang's soldiers of our position, and keep a sharp eye for anything suspicious."

Dartho nodded and flapped his large wings as he disappeared over the ranges. The rest of the squadron began their trek over the steep mountain sides, checking the large caverns and crevasse for any sign of life. They came across a particularly large cavern that could have easily housed at least four Giants. The entrance was half shaded by a large fig tree, its branches drooped down like a leafy curtain. Inside, there were no signs of life, except for a large pile of burnt wood no doubt from a fire the Giants used for warmth. Aras knelt down and placed her hand on the coals, warmth still radiated from the charred pieces.

"The coals are still warm, they cannot have left more than an hour ago." Aras' eyes darted around her keenly searching. "Keep sharp, they may already know we are here."

Long minutes passed with no sign of the rogues which left the Narnians on edge. The mountains offered many hiding places for both small and large creatures which left them vulnerable. At the end of a narrow trail, the company came to a large, rocky valley that connected the ranges. At the far side of the valley were a number of boulders that clustered together and could offer a hiding space for creatures even as large as the Giants. 

Aras bristled as they edged into the valley, the air was thick and unsettled. Something was amiss. Aras placed her finger to her lips as a gesture of silence then pointed to the cluster of rocks. The Narnians skirted around the valley as quiet as mice as they closed in on the possible Giant hiding place. They froze as a few stones tumbled off the top of a boulder, the sound made an echoing clack as they hit the rocky floor. The sound had barely faded into the air when six Giants launched out from behind their shelter with an almighty war cry. The two parties launched into battle, the Giants were large and strong, but the Narnians small and much lighter on their feet. 

Orieus and Aras brought the first Giant down which only angered the others. Baravad, another Centaur, was tossed into the mountain side and fell to the ground breathing, but unmoving. Peter rolled as A Giant swung his mace at him and sliced his leg as he maneuvered around him. The Giant howled in pain and stumbled to his knees as Peter clambered onto a boulder and leaped onto the creature's back and drove his sword into his Skull. Three Giants stilled remained, but there was no sign of Dartho and the Harfang soldiers. 

Aras ran and slid between the legs of one of the Giants who chose her as a target. A poor decision on his behalf. The Guardian jumped to her feet and stabbed the Giant in the back of the knee with her staff. He roared and swung around violently as he tried to stay upright. But Aras was quick, she ducked and allowed the Giant to fall on his back then finished him off by driving her staff through his unprotected chest. 


The Guardian's eyes flicked up to see a large club before it collided with her and sent her tumbling along the ground. Peter and a few of the other Narnians tried to aid her, but the other two remaining Giants stood in their path. Aras jumped to her feet as the Giant moved for another attack, his swung his club down upon her, but she side stepped out of the way and thrust her staff into the Giant's stomach. The Giant grunted and gripped the other end of her staff and pulled it out and swung it around and threw Aras into a boulder. 

Aras let out a grunt as she met the hard surface, her shoulder ached and her vision blurred and she struggled to remain upright. The impact left her disorientated and the Giant stormed in once more. The Guardian tried to shake the ringing from her ears and the darkness from her eyes as the distorted figure of the Giant loomed over her. It wasn't until she heard the desperate cries of Peter that she realised the pain in her stomach. Her breath hitched as she looked down at the source of her pain. Her the blade of her staff protruded from where it had pierced her armour. The Giant above her grinned sinisterly, but the Guardian did not fall easily. Aras reached for a dagger, and with the last of her waning strength, threw it into the Giant's eye. 

Aras looked around almost blindly, she'd never felt weakness like this. She could barely make out the shapes of those fighting in front of her, but to her ears they were miles away. Aras slumped against the rock as her head lolled back, against the pale blue of the sky, she could see a shadow swoop down and a horn sound distantly before the world around her faded into nothing.

The soldiers of Harfang arrived as Peter dashed to Aras' side. With their aid, the remaining Giants would be dealt with, but the High King paid no mind to any of that. "Aras!" Peter carefully held her face in his gloved hands. When she didn't stir, Peter felt her neck for a heart beat. He hoped he would feel it over the sound and thrumming of his own. Beneath his fingers, was a faith thump that gave him hope. "Aras! Can you hear me?! Please!" Whether it happened, or just his imagination willing it, he sworn he saw her eyes open the tiniest bit. 

"Dartho!" The Griffin came at his King's call. "We must get her back to Cair Paravel, Lucy is the only one who can save her. Take her now, I will not be far behind." 

The Griffin nodded and with Peter's aid maneuvered the unconscious Guardian into his talons. Dartho flapped his wings hard and took off over the ranges. Peter turned back to the battle to find the last of the rogues were dead. Orieus cantered to the King who's face was pinched with worry. 

"Go, your majesty. I will take care of this." 

Peter nodded in gratitude and bolted back through the ranges to where they had left the horses. Among them was Arlo who was pacing and stomping his hooves anxiously. His ears twitched at the sound of Peter racing through the rocks.

"King Peter! What happened? I saw the Griffin fly off with Aras!" the Horse demanded.

"Aras is wounded, we need to get to Cair Paravel now!" 

Arlo threw his head and snorted, "Climb on, I can catch up to them."

Peter had barely swung himself onto the stallion before his reared up and set off in a gallop towards Cair Paravel. A few miles ahead of the in the sky was Dartho and Aras hanging limping in his talons. At this pace, they would reach the city within two hours, Peter could only pray to Aslan that Aras would survive long enough to make it in time. 

Dun, dun, daaaahhhhh!!!!!! Guess who finally got around to updating this story??? Me!!!!! I apologise for letting this fic get put on the back burner for a while whilst I worked on my other fics. I feel like I've got a million and one stories running through my head at the moment and it's nuts! I'm actually gonna be surprised if people are still reading this but for those who are faithful despite my constant failure to provide you with regular updates, I shall endeavour to put more time into this story in amongst all my others. Stay awesome and much love guys!     

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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