Chapter 3

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As they made their way back to the dam, a howl broke through the air behind them. The Pevensies froze in fear, whilst Aras' eyes widen with realisation for the slightest moment.

"Maugrim." The Guardian whispered. "Back to the dam, go!" Aras ordered.

Beaver lead them back to the house while Aras kept a steady hand on Lucy's shoulder to keep her up with the others.

"Hurry, Mother! They're after us!" Beaver shouted hurriedly as he burst inside the dam.

"Oh, right then..." Mrs Beaver muttered. She began scurrying about the house gathering food and other things and stuffing them into a basket.

"What is she doing?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry, you'll thank you me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry." 

"I'm cranky now!" Beaver snapped.

The wolves began clawing and digging away at the dam.

"Do you think we should bring jam?" Susan asked.

"Only if the Witch serves toast!" Peter replied sarcastically.

"Can't you fight them?" Lucy whimpered to Aras.

Aras shook her head, "On any other day, yes. But I can't fight a pack and defend all of you at the same time."

Beaver opened a hidden door that dropped down into a tunnel. One by one they dropped down, lastly Aras who shut the door behind them. 

"Badger and me dug this. It comes up right near his place." Beaver panted as they ran through the tunnel.

"You told me it lead to your mums!" Mrs Beaver snapped.

Lucy ran along side Susan when she tripped over a rock. As her siblings helped her to her feet, howls bounced along the walls of the tunnel.

"They're in the tunnel." Lucy gasped.

"Quick! This way!" Beaver ordered.



But their running was cut short by a dead end.

"You should have brought a map!" Mrs Beaver lectured frustratedly

"There wasn't room next to the jam!" Beaver sassed. The Beaver leaped up and climbed through a hole and was immediately followed by the others. Once everyone was out, Peter and Beaver blocked the hole with a barrel.

They turned to find Lucy on the ground surrounded by several stone creatures. Beaver walked up to one particular creature with a solemn expression.

"I'm so sorry dear..." Mrs Beaver comforted.

"He was my best mate." Beaver lamented.

Aras sighed and kicked at the snow in anger, this should not have happened on her watch.

"What happened here?" Peter questioned.

"This is what becomes of those who cross the Witch." The voice belonged to a fox standing on top of a burrow.

"Take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Beaver growled threateningly.

"Relax. I'm one of the good guys." The Fox replied coolly.

"Yeah? Well you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones." Beaver sneered.

"Easy Beaver, he's a friend." Aras explained.

"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can argue breeding later. Right now we've got to move."

"What did you have in mind?" Peter inquired.


The wolves burst through the hole and circled around Fox who greeted them smoothly, "Greetings, gents. Lost something, have we?"

"Don't patronize me!" Maugrim growled, "I know where your allegiance lies. We are looking for some humans."

"Humans? Here in Narnia? Well, that's a valuable bit of information, don't you think?" 

One of the wolves, Varden, leaped forward and caught Fox between his jaws.

Lucy opened her mouth to cry out, but Peter clamped his hand over her mouth, anxiously they watched from the trees above.

"Your reward is your life. It's not much. ... But still. Where are the fugitives?" Maugrim demanded.

Fox paused for a moment, to look as though he was contemplating, "North...they ran north."

"Smell them out!" Maugrim barked.

Varden tossed Fox aside and ran off with the rest of the pack. Once the wolves were gone, they hastily climbed down the tree and rushed to the Fox's aid.

"Are you alright, Fox?" Aras asked, inspecting the teeth marks in his side.

"Lets say I've been better." Fox replied.

"They were helping Tumnus and the Witch got here before I did. OW!" Fox yelped to Mrs Beaver who was tending carefully to his injuries.

They all sat huddle around a small fire while Fox was being tended to. 

"Are you alright?" Lucy inquired, visibly wincing on the fox's behalf.   

"Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite...ohhh!" Fox moaned.

"Stop squirming! You're worse than beaver on bath day." Mrs Beaver lectured.

"Worst day of the year." Beaver sighed.

Fox struggled slightly to his feet, "Thank you for your kindness but I'm afraid that is all the cure I have time for."

"You're leaving?" Lucy asked.

"It has been a pleasure, my Queen, and an honour. But, time is short and Aslan himself has sent me to gather more troops."

"You've seen Aslan?!" Beaver gasped. 

"What's he like?" Mrs Beaver gushed.

Aras rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air, "What am I? Invisible? It's not like Aslan himself raised me."

The Pevensies sniggered at the Guardian's comment but turned turned their attention back to Fox.

"Like everything we have ever heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the Witch." Fox said to the Pevensies.

"We are not planning fighting any witch..." Susan denied.

"But, surely, King Peter...the prophecy."

"We will need you in the war to come." Aras said.

"But you're the Guardian, can't you lead them?"

Aras shook her head, "It is not my destiny. I was sung to protect the Narnians, not lead them."

Peter sighed and looked back to Fox, "We just want to get our brother back."

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