Chapter 2: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Like I care!" Grumpy yelled.

The room gasped and murmurs began running across the room. Brelyn started to get fired up. That man just insulted her best friend and her best friend's mom who is also best friends with her mom. Mal put her hand on Brelyn's as she reminded her to control herself.

"I say send them all back!"

"Now Grumpy-" Fairy Godmother began.

"I agree!" Charming said as he raised his voice. "They have done nothing to improve Auradon!"

"Father!" Chad yelled. "That wasn't the point of Ben's proclamation!" Though he was against the idea of bringing Isle kids to Auradon back in high school, Chad had become good friends with many of the villain kids. He stood behind them fully.

"That is correct," Ben said calmly trying to bring down the shouting. "The point of my proclamation was to improve the lives of the villain kids by bringing them to Auradon. Just look at how many lives we've changed. Cinderella!" Ben said pointing to the older queen. "We were able to save both step-niece and step-nephew of yours."

"That is true," Cinderella replied looking at her husband."Dizzy and Anthony were great kids and have grown into outstanding people."

"And what about those of you who have married or have children who married villain kids?" Ben brought up. "How do you feel about that."

"They are bad examples for our children!" Grumpy shouted. "Doug was much better off without that blue-haired demon!"

"I'm sorry," Mal began. 'What did you just call Evie?"

"You heard me."

"I'll have you know that Evie is one of the best students to have ever come out of Auradon Prep," Fairy Godmother added.

"Back to Shang," Ben interrupted. "Your daughter married a villain kid as well. How do did you feel about it then, and how do you feel about it now."

"I will admit," Shang began. "I was a little skeptical when Lonnie called and said she was dating the son of Jafar. But when I saw just how happy she was with Jay, I felt happy too. I completely trust the young man with my one and only daughter. The two of them now have a sixteen-year-old daughter. They're doing well raising her to become the young woman she is today."

"What do you mean raising?" Grumpy retorted. "They gave her up for adoption. It just so happens she returned two years ago! They probably saw evilness in her."

"You take back what you just said about my granddaughter immediately!"

"This is exactly why we need to take down the barrier," Melody added. "We wouldn't have this problem in the first place if the barrier was taken down. The Isle was a terrible idea in the first place! Think of all those children whose lives and opportunities are thrown down the drain because they were born on that island."

"Though I do agree with you," Aziz said. "The Isle was created to contain all those villains and enemies. Our parents never even thought about the villains having kids. I mean, we can't blame them. Who would have thought that people like Maleficent or the Evil Queen were going to have children? I do agree with you that the villains are not the right people to raise kids, but we cannot bring down the barrier because we don't want the villains running wild in Auradon."

"Now Melody," Doc began. "How would you react if the descendant of Ursula were to come to Auradon? Think of all the things Ursula had done to your family."

"I wouldn't care," Melody replied. "It's not her fault she was raised by her mother."

"No," Mal said. "You do not want Uma here in Auradon. She is the worst and a little, shrimpy, punk."

"Why is that?"

Mal tried her best to explain. "W-Well, Uma and I were friends when we were kids. She is trouble. I decided to stop hanging out with her because she was so terrible. It was after that I met Jay and later Evie and Carlos."

"Didn't you also dump a bucket of shrimp on h-" Ben said until Mal elbowed his arm. He stopped talking after that.

"Well," Prince Charming began. "What does our future queen think of all this?"

"Yeah," Grumpy added. "Our future queen."

The entire room faced Brelyn. Brelyn felt beads of sweat fall down her face. She wasn't supposed to input in this meeting, or so she thought. She didn't know how to answer. "U-Um," she began. "I actually don't know a lot about the Isle."

"What do you mean you don't know much about the Isle?!" Grumpy stated. "You're supposed to be the future queen of Auradon! You should know these things!" Grumpy turned to face everyone. "You see who we're putting Auradon in the hands of!"

Mal was about to defend her daughter before Fairy Godmother interrupted. "Meeting dismissed!"

"You can't do that! Only the king can-"

"Meeting dismissed!" Ben shouted. Slowly and quietly, all the royals shuffled their way out. "So," Ben began. "What did you think of this meeting?"

Brelyn didn't answer. She shook her head and quickly made her way out of the room. "Brelyn!" Mal called out.

Mal was about to follow her, but Ben grabbed her arm before she could. "Let her go," Ben said calmly. "She was never intended to give her opinion. It was a lot of stress. Let her cool down and recollect for a little bit." Mal nodded in response as she stood there wondering what the heck was going in her daughter's mind.

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