Start from the beginning

I take a deep breath and jump into the river before I can second guess myself. I keep my head above water this time, whether it's my own determination or the rivers understanding the crossing goes easier. When I pull myself up the opposite bank I look back. I can't deny that something changed today; first with the ocean and now with the rain and river. I should have died both times but somehow I'm still standing.

I find my boots where I threw them. I push my wet feet into them. The water sucks and rubs my toes painfully against the rubber. I ignore the pain and run. It takes me almost no time to get to Mr. Melberry's farm. I run up the front steps and pound on the door. His dogs instantly start howling and barking on the other side. The rain has started to let up so I pound harder. The outside porch light flips on and I take a step back as the inside door swings open. Mr. Melberry stands with his three dogs, nothing but the screen door separating us. The dogs stop barking when they see who it is, but their tails wage wildly and their tongues roll out of their mouths.

"Adie? What are you doing here on a night like this? You look half drowned," Mr. Melberry takes in the sigh of me.

"Please help me, Henry is in trouble. The river's flooded and the bridge was washed away," I tell him panicked. His eyes widen.

"Come inside, I'll get my shoes and phone the police," he opens the screen door for me and shuffles away quickly. I step inside but remain on the mat just inside the door. Water drips off my clothes and onto the floor and the dogs jump around me. They lick the water from my fingers. I absently stroke their heads in turn. Now that I'm out of the rain I feel the weight of everything that has happened. I'm sore and exhausted. I sway on my feet and fight to remain standing. Mrs. Melberry comes through the hallway dressed in a night gown. She's pulled a sweater over her arms.

"Come in and dry off dear. Tom will take care of it," she beckons me to come further into the house.

I shake my head and take a small step back. "No I'll show him where Henry is. It'll be faster," I say

Tom comes down the hall, passing his wife. His hat is low over his eyes and his jacket makes him look larger than he is. "Anne, I've told the police to look for my truck. I'll park it on the road with the headlights and flashers one, but if they have trouble you tell them where to go." She nods her head and I follow Tom out into the rain. The dogs whine and bark when they are left behind but Tom ignores them. He points to his truck and I slip into the passenger side while he fires up the engine. His truck is almost as old as Henry's.

He drives down the road and turns into the gravel drive and parks. "The police will be looking for my truck. We'll walk from here." I nod and we both get out into the rain. He leaves the truck running with the headlights and flashers on. As we near the river Mr. Melberry pulls out a flashlight and shines it around. The river looks even more monstrous than before. In the light I see where the whirlpools and currents bubble and churn at the surface. I see the occasional log and debris float by, but more than anything I'm amazed by the speed at which it flows. It only confirms that I shouldn't have been able to swim across it like I did. Any normal person would have been swept away and drowned.

"Henry!" Tom shouts.

"He's across the river, just there," I point. Tom holds his light up higher and flashes it across the river. The high powered flashlight barely illuminates the other bank through the rain.

"I don't see him, you're sure he's there?" Tom asks unsure.

I nod, "Yes?"

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