33-yes or no?(part 2)

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This time I have to do what is right no matter how painful it is or whether my heart agrees or not.

What scares me the most is, Agustin isn't going to accept Alex as his own which is unacceptable to me. Alex deserves the love of a father or no father at all but not a mean one. I want a stable future, more for Alex then for myself and I don't see that happening with Agustin.

Right now what is more important for me is the person I spent my life with be a good Human being than a good lover, for Alex's sake, to my bad luck Agustin is none.

I can spend my life with a person who doesn't love me but at least respect me and can accept Alex as his own, but not with someone who claim to love me and strip me of all my dignity.

I still see sparks of his outbreak where he looses control over himself and I am scared if given the reason all hell will break free and he will turn into a monster again.

It's easy for people who see from afar to judge that how much Agustin loves me. You won't say the same thing if you are beaten to death by the love of your life. To make a relationship work, a foundation of trust and respect is as important as love is. And I can't expect any of them from Agustin.

Truth be told a part of me still cherish my time with Agustin and always will, but that is as far as it goes.

It is no more enough to give him a chance. I did give him that chance five years back and I had to run for my life because of that one wrong decision.

Loving Agustin was never easy for me as he was the exact opposite of what I used to imagine my life partner to be but I did give him a change against my better judgement. Look where it brought me.

I gotta learn from my mistake I can't keep doing the same mistake again and again.

I hardened my heart. This is the right think to do I repeated again in my mind. But before I can answer Jacob, he soke first, running out of patience.

"It's still hard for you to decide even after what he did to you, isn't it?" His eyes where set on me analysing my each and every expression like a hawk.

He continued "Strange, what love does to a person.

Render you powerless.

Render you handicapped." I doubt whether his words were directed towards me or he was talking to himself.

"Can't get that person out of your mind no matter how hard you try, no matter what he did to you, right? Ready to love him unconditionally even if don't get anything in return. Even after your love is crushed like it's nothing...."

He seethed with an edge of anger in his voice. It seems he is too familiar with the feeling. I was a bit taken aback by his anger.

I was to stunned to say anything. I was just looking at him in confusion when he abruptly stood up from the chair to leave but before he can I caught his hand. Every eyes where on us but I don't care.

"Leave my hand Onika....there is nothing left to talk." He said in a calm voice, but his eyes still held the anger.

"NO." I said, meeting his eyes.

He looked at me with uncertainty and repeated. "No?"

"Are you sure? Because it doesn't seems like it to me."

"No, Jacob you got it wrong... I don't love him anymore. Your question is not even valid because the person I loved is long dead. There was nothing left of him since the day he first called me a slut....he was dead then and there.. he was dead the moment he said I was nothing more than a fucktoy to him...since then I was just holding on to a dead relationship...."

A lone tear slipped from my eyes as I finally said that and an excruciating pain erupted from my heart. But I continued...

"I may be scared but I am not broken....I may be weak but not enough to give in.... I do still have some self respect left within me.

So please have a seat Jacob and do tell me what is this all about. Because I don't see how does it matter whether I love him or not. I will divorce him after 3 months and will be done with him." I said with confidence.

He took a deep breath and said. " This is where you are wrong."

That is what I and Agustin had negotiated then what does he mean by that? "How so?" I asked.


Please Agustin fans don't kill me as this is not the end of the story. A lot is waiting for them and please try to understand Onika's view point as well ...it's hard for her to forgive and forget what Agustin had done to her.

Next chapter will be about jack and Agustin's face off...so get ready for a rollercoaster ride.😁😁

The book has reached 69 rank!!!! Can't express how happy that makes me. My eyes literally popped out of my socket when I saw that. Never thought an amateur like me can reach so far, so thanks a lot to all my lovely readers for their support. You guys are The Best. 🙏🙏

I am sorry I know the chapter is short. I will try to make the next one bigger.😅😅

Lots of love.
Untill next.

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