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Two teenage girls sat on the hoods of their cars as silent tears spilt down their porcelain faces. Both girls had bright blue eyes, pale as snow skin and perfect muscled and curvy bodies.

Both cars were the exact same make with different colours, like the cars were related, just like the girls. They were both Lamborghini Adventadors. One car was a golden yellow colour with black and red details, while the other car was a cherry red colour with silver and gold details.

The golden yellow Lamborghini had a number plate reading "STRKR" while the cherry red Lamborghini's number plate read "SIDES".

The girl on the golden yellow Lamborghini had long dirty blonde hair with red streaks while the girl on the cherry red Lamborghini had long dark blonde almost brown hair with silver streaks, both wore colours matching their cars, some would say it's quite comical but to others it's normal.

"Streaker? Do you think they are still alive?"

"I don't know, Sides... Maybe. Just maybe."

They continue to silently cry, unaware of the presence of two mutant turtles behind them.

Somewhat Similar {A TMNT and Transformers Cross-over.}Where stories live. Discover now