Chapter 4

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"Haaah! Let's take some.. break haah.. this way!" Shaun let Euthalia's wrist go as they stopped by the dark alley. They're both panting and sweating for running and trying not to get killed.

Shaun slumped down trying to catch his breath. not caring how dirty the ground is, he looked at her. "Did you got hurt?"

She shakes her head and slowly sit on the dirty ground as well. "How ... haaah... about you?" she sighed as she try to catch her breath as well.

"Im fine. But the main question is what did they want from us?" he clenched his fist. "I have a feeling they're the thugs who harassed you!"

"I don't really care if they're the same dudes or not. But its insane for them to point their guns on us and shoots us. As if we're their shooting target for fun" she said irritated.

"I know right? just when we're about to take our separate ways they pop out of nowhere and started attacking us. Come on' lets file a report" Shaun dusted himself as he stands up and offer a hand to euthalia.

She pushed his hand away and stands up "File a report? like those police can do something! Don't you want to know why they tried to killed us? because I do!" She sounds tired but still daring, and she feels really odd about something.

"Well what smart idea you have? chase after our killers? Wow Euthalia... sometimes being too tough is dangerous, you have to let others deal with this!" he almost shouted those words. He is definitely irritated coz why is she sooooo different from all the girls he met. why does she have to be so tough and stubborn.

But he sighed and eventually looked at her in amusement. The usual girls will be all shocked-shaking-crying in this situation But she is different she is just tired but she's calm and even wanted to know why they're being chased by armed men.

"Sorry.. but can't we call it a night and let the police handle this?" he said as gentle as he can possibly do.

"Fine" she shortly said its obvious that she's mad and probably still up for knowing why they're being chased but he's still glad that she agreed for now.
So they carefully went to the nearest police station they can find and filed a report. The police even offered to take them home to make sure they are both safe, before euthalia got off, Shaun made sure that he has her number.

To Euthalia's surprised Vidar is there, waiting for her with her mom. He smiled smugly then hugged her. "Are you ok?" he asked, she wriggle out of his grasp and gave her mom a hug as well. "Yes, I am. What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be somewhere Far-that-i-dont-know-coz-YOU-wont-tell-ME!"

He chuckled as he ran his hand thru his slick black hair. "Are you still mad about that? I told you I just had a family stuff I needed to do"

"And you can't even tell me where that is?" she eyed him suspiciously.

Her mother cleared her throat. "Thats enough for now, sweetie you must be scared and tired due to what had happened. Please rest." she then looked at Vidar, she never liked him for her daughter but she acts civil towards him. "And Vidar, you might as well go home. Its getting late."

"Yes of course! Good night Mrs, Estelle and Euthalia." Vidar still has that annoying smile plastered on his face and walked out.

Euthalia immediately went to her bedroom and was shocked to find Vidar laying on her bed thats why she locked the door asap. "Didn't My mom sent you away?!"

"Chill! Cant I be worried about my GF? and asked how she is? why are you so irritated with me?" he sits up and reached for her hands and kissed it.

She sighed and layed next to him. She was dead tired from everything that she decided to let go of her irritation for now. And so since he asked for it. Euthalia told him everything that happened when he was away.

"No one hurts my GF and gets away with it ok?" he caressed her cheeks. "I'll track them down myself and make them pay!"

"And how are you going to do that?? I thought you said you cut ties with your gang" When she promised her mom she's going to try to be "good" and "matured ish" that included her bf. She wanted Vidar to be Nice and presentable to her mother, And she always had dislike his gang and made him cut his ties with them.

"Oh come on! what do you want me to do? Do nothing, when my girl, almost got killed and was harassed!" he stands up to punched the wall, vidar has an Anger issue. He can't quite control his temper.

Shaun's words sink in to her this time. And she slowly said it
"Sometimes being too tough is dangerous, you have to let others deal with this!"

He looked at her in disbelief. "You've really change.." He might be mad but its like he's also sad or perhaps hurt the way he said those words. she can't look into his eyes. the way he looked at her, like he's longing for her and at the same time like she's a big disappointment for him because she's trying to change.

"Vidar, we talked about this!" she glared at him. "Yeah! but she's not your real mom!" he wished he hadn't said that. He knows how attached Euthalia is to her adoptive mother. "GET OUT!" she shouted "I didn't mean that... Im just not used seeing you like this and its hard for me!" it looked like he wanted to say more like always but he held back.

"I said get out! right now!" she can't understand why he's so hurt that she's trying to change. Whats so bad on trying to be good? why does for him its the most absurd and crazy idea?

Vidar cursed out and left using the window. Euthalia flopped on the bed exhausted and tried clearing her head as she slowly falls asleep

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