Chapter 10 - Shared feelings

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"Don't listen to him, Link..."
I tried to comfort him a little by placing his hand in mine.

It was now Prince Sidon's turn to talk,

"Listen well, Muzu. There is something you need to know... He who stands here... the man called Link... is the whom my sister, Mipha, had feelings for. I was only a child then, I did not know it myself at the time. But it is so and you have to accept it".

I didn't know this girl called Mipha had feelings for Link... Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? My chest hurts and I can feel my knees trembling a little. Uuuh, I hope I won't catch a cold again.

"I grew up hearing my father tell stories, some of which were about my sister's undying love for a Hylian named Link."

Muzu's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, "W-what? No way! You cannot fool me with such a fanciful lie! Not this Zora! How could Lady Mipha possibly have feelings for a Hylian like him?!"

I actually have never seen Muzu so angry. He sure does hate Link...

"The facts are clear. He remembers nothing. Even when he looks upon Princess Mipha's statue..."

Sidon interrupted him and crossed his arms above his chest.
"It is the truth, Muzu. Though you never knew it, he was ever in Mipha's heart..."

Okay, I heard enough to be honest... I feel very uncomfortable in their presences and would like to go home, let everything fall, sleep till midnight and do normal things normal people do!
Why do I feel like this? Why?

"Link, I..."

I saw him staring at the statue in front of us. It was shimmering in the moonlight and got reflected in Link's eyes, which were filled with curiousity and despair at the same time.
Seeing this, I knew he got hit by another memory flash...

I held thighter onto his hand and tried to bring him back to reality.

Suddenly, Link gasped loudly and his breathing hitched. With widened eyes, he loosened the tight grip on his tunic and looked at Princess Mipha's statue.

"I remember everything!"

Flashback end

"...Thank you, Link. Because of your courage, my spirit is now free. And Ruta as well..."
Mipha looked at him lovingly and smiled slightly. I feel like she doesn't like me at all. Well, if that's the case, then I won't like her either!

"For I am now allowed by this freedom... to be with you once again."
Link only stared at Mipha and slowly walked towards her, the water was making soothing sounds and the cool air blew through his hair, making it fly a little.

Her left hand was then caressing Link's cheek and was looking into his ocean blue eyes.

Okay, now I feel out of place. What is this? A romance show? With a bad plot twist?
I've had enough. I'll just go, I hope they won't take too long!
The water I was standing in was reaching my knees, so it was hard to move quickly.
I shrugged it off and finally reached the exit. With a deep breath, I looked back once again, only to find them hugging like long-lost siblings.

I opened the ancient door with my Sheikah Slate and made my way to the blue-glowing teleporting platform.

As I was outside, I remembered that I still had to go see Impa in Kakariko village, maybe I can convince Link to go with me? Oh, I forgot. I think he wants to spend some more time with Mipha, I bet she just confessed to him.

My breathing stopped for a while at this thought. But why? What is this feeling? I just want to talk to Link, I want him to tell me that everything will be alright, I want him to tell me that he-

"(Y/N)! Here you are!"

With widened eyes I turned my head, only to see Link... and he looks somehwat happy..?
I wonder what happened during my absence...

"I was worried about you! Why didn't you tell me you want to leave?"

"I thought you two needed some time alone. I feel like a burden to everyone, so I left."
I felt his eyes staring at me as I looked down shame. Actually it was because I just couldn't stand Mipha - even though I've never met her before -, but I couldn't tell Link that. Everytime I try to make a new friend, it turns out I was actually getting more and more new enemies...

"You would never. ever. be. a burden. Why do you keep thinking it is all your fault..? Please, (Y/N), don't blame yourself for everything..."

I laughed nervously and tried to blink away some small tears in my eyes,
"Yeah... Of course. Everytime we meet someone who knows us, they always seek the blame in me. I can always feel their eyes piercing holes into my soul. So why do you try to make me think other wise? It is obviously my fault."

Link seemed taken aback by my words, in a negative way. His eyes didn't leave mine as I tried to comfort myself a little. Of course I hope this wasn't all my fault.

"Tell me a reason why you think it isn't my fault that Hyrule got wrecked. Only one is enough... I-I just need a proof that I am innocent..!"

I felt two hands grabbing my upper arms and looked up at him. The sun was setting, the sky was painted in yellow, orange and red colors and got reflected in Link's eyes. I stared into them, feeling like there's still hope.

"I could tell you 100 reasons why I think that you aren't blameworthy."
His voice was comforting and serious at the same time. With a blush on both of our faces, he came even more closer to me (if possible)

I blinked, "Just one reason is enough..."

Link took a deep breath, I felt his chest on mine and his heart could be heard,

"When I am with you, I can be myself. You have such a beautiful smile and that smile makes me happy all day. I love the way you look at me and how it makes me feel peaceful. We are independent individuals, yet when we are together, we are inseparable. No matter how others see me, you make me feel special. How you are able to find beauty in small things and show me how to appreciate it.Your sense of humor always light up my day.The way you care about me and how you would comfort me when I'm in a bad mood... but most importantly..."

His face was redder than before and his beautiful ocean blue eyes stared into my soul,

"...because I love you".


YES! Finally, a new chapter! I am sooo sorry for being on hiatus for a while. Exams are more important atm than the internet, but I just couldn't bear the fact that everyone had to wait 3 months for the next chapter...!  I hope you liked it so far, sorry for grammar mistakes by the way.

BotW!Link x Reader - Our Destiny [Unedited]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن