R.I.P. to my youth

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After a war Theo just disappeared what at first made Liam mad but after some time he got over it. Almost everyone decided to stay in Beacon Hills for a while and their lives went back to normal until one night while spring break.

There was a huge party in the only good club in Beacon Hills reuniting everyone including Derek, Ethan and even Jackson in one place. Since Liam, Corey and Mason weren't legal yet they decided to sneak in some alcohol themselves which actually worked leading to them almost drunk in half hour. It was nearly midnight when everyone already lost it to alcohol and started dancing except for some teenagers seating next to the bar.

"C'mon babe.." Corey purred smiling at Mason.

"You know I can't dance..." Hewitt complained.

"And I don't care. If Stiles made Derek dance I can make you." teenager winked before grabbing his boyfriend's wrist and pulling him into dance floor.

Liam just smiled and shook his head watching his best friend's expression as Corey forced him to get up. Looking around young beta saw many familiar faces but the particular one made his eyes widen.

It was Theo. Theo freaking Raeken who left without a word was sitting alone by the table in a corner. At first Liam tried to ignore his presence but when the chimera got up beta decided to follow him outside.

"Look who we got here." Liam commented as Theo stopped in the alley, took out his cigarette and lighted it.

"Surprised?" Raeken smirked leaning on the wall.

"Why did you come back?" Dunbar just asked as he took the same position next to chimera.

"I got bored." Liam knew he was lying but he didn't bother to ask further, instead he just accepted the cigarette passed to him. "Aren't you too young to smoke? Or drink? You smell like a liquor store."

"Aren't you too hated to coming back here?" Liam shoot back.

"Good point." Theo smiled.

"Why did you left?" Beta gave the cigarette back.

"No one wanted me here so why should I stay?"

"I did." werewolf just said before he thought.

"C'mon Dunbar." Theo ignored the confession smiling. "I already gave you nicotine so I can as well buy you a drink."

He lead beta inside, straight to the bar and ordered five shots for each.

"Cheers" he smiled drinking them all at once.

"Cheers."Liam did the same before Theo ordered the next round. After a moment they were both laughing at nothing.

"I have excellent idea." Dunbar spoke suddenly.

"Hmm?" chimera looked at him, his heart beating faster because of how close Liam was.

"Let's dance." Beta babbled and not giving Theo any chance to protest he pulled him to the dance floor. At first they were apart but after a moment Liam found himself shyly wrapping his arms around Theo's neck as chimera's hands were exploring his back. Their lips inches apart as Theo pulled him closer, sights locked. Soon later beta'a back were glued to the older one's chest, Theo's hands running all over his body when Liam's left hand grabbed Theo's hair and right rested on his butt.

"You're a great dancer.." Theo whispered into Liam's ear sending a shiver through his spine from the cold breath on his neck.

The boy was so close Dunbar could feel every part of his body.

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