Chapter 4

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After a long moment Liam managed to calm himself. He knew he had to come back home at the end of the day and was no way he would avoid confrontation with Scott so he wanted to do it as fast as he could. He took his phone and left. While walking through the forest he suddenly heard footsteps what was followed by the well known scent. He didn't want to deal with him now so Liam stripped down, hide his clothes and phone under the tree so he could come back for them and turned into his animal form. He started walking again but this time he ended up face to face with Theo.

"Liam?" Chimera seemed to ask but Liam knew he was 100% sure it's him. "What happened?" He continued. "I was texting you but you didn't answer. Is something wrong?" He stepped closer but Liam moved away. "What's going on hun?" Theo moved even closer making beta back up till he hit the tree. "Look I'm worried okay?" The next move Liam didn't think over, the growl just came out of him now making Theo back up. "Liam..?" he was unsure what to do and Liam growled again. "Hey it's okay, there is no way you don't recognize me..."

'I'm sorry Theo..' beta though before he ran away.

As he got home he was emotionally exhausted. He felt bad for what he did to Theo but that was for the best. At least now. He got upstairs to pull on some clothes and then he knocked at Scott's bedroom. When alpha opened the door he was scared of his reaction.

"Let's just be over it. I'll pack myself and move is that what you want." Liam just said not knowing what to do.

What confused him even more was a big hug from his alpha.

"Where the hell were you?" he letted beta in and made him sit on the bed. "I was worrying sick."

"In the woods." Liam confessed "Why would you even care? It's obvious you don't want me here anymore."

"Are you insane? Why wouldn't I want you here?" Scott's eyes were huge from shock.

"Deaton didn't tell you?" Liam looked at him surprised.

"He did but I still don't know what did you have in mind to to think your alpha is an asshole?"

"So you know I'm pregnant and you're okay with that?"

"First of all it's not your fault. You didn't know this can happen. Second, it's still not a reason to kick someone out of the house."

Hearing that Liam just sighed in relief as tears started falling from his eyes.

"Hey..." Scott spoke as he sat next to him and hugged him tightly. "It's going to be okay..."

"I... I thought you'll hate me... and kick me out of the pack..." Liam confessed.

"I don't know how other will react but I would never to that." Scott smiled.

"Can we keep it to ourselves for now?" Beta asked.

"Of course... Do you know who the father is?"

Liam didn't answer but his alpha understood the allusion.

"You'll tell me when you're ready... by the way Malia found your phone in the woods today." Scott reached to his pocked and handed the device to Liam. "And there are some things Deaton told me that you have to know. First the sickness is normal in this case even for werewolves so don't be alarmed by that. Food cravings will start soon, also this kind of pregnancy last only four to five months so you have at least one and a half week until your belly would grow."

"Great.. anything more?"

"You have to take this pills every morning and see Deaton every week." Scott gave him the box. "I think that's all..."

"Then I'm going to bed.. I'm exhausted." Liam smiled. "Thanks Scott." He got up.

"No problem. Just tell me if you need anything." Alpha said before Liam left.

As he was finally alone in his room beta looked at his phone and saw he had one voicemail from Theo he decided to listen.

"Hey Liam. I see you're mad at me and I have no idea why but it doesn't matter. I'm sorry if I hurt you but please just tell me you're safe. I love you Liam and just so you know, nothing will change it."

As it ended Liam was feeling guilty again.

'I'm safe. I just need a little space that's all... love you too.' He texted before he fall asleep.

For the next week he haven't been seeing Theo much at school. They weren't even texting except for 'Are you okay?' And 'Yes' every day. He couldn't blame Theo for being so worried but he also didn't feel strong enough to tell him the truth yet what lead to ignoring Theo's calls. What Liam didn't know chimera did notice how beta changed.

Liam was waking up by morning sickness everyday and his belly began to grow faster than he thought it would. He was already having a hard to see bump what made him wear more baggy sweaters. Corey and Mason didn't know about his pregnancy either and they managed to get him out of the house for playing video games or watching movies. This week ended pretty fast making Liam to pay Deaton's another visit.

"How are you doing?" The vet asked as Liam was having an USG.

"Pretty fine... I'm sorry about last week..."

"Don't be. I understand you were in shock and I'm glad you're okay now." Vet just smiled.

Now it's been three weeks since Liam found out and one since his belly started really show off he decided to stop going to school and started lying to his best friend he was sick. He was now texting Theo more often so chimera won't be too nervous but still avoiding the meeting. Scott also tried to keep pack meetings down for a while so Liam could adjust to the new situation.

The third time Liam went to Deaton he wasn't expecting the news doctor was about to announce.

"Theo was here." He just said when the examination ended.

These three words were what Liam feared the most. 

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