The One - 15.

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"You feeling any better?" I heard soon as I opened my eyes. I checked my surrounds and like I thought, I was in the hospital. I sat up a little and sighed.

"I'm okay."

I had a small headache and a little back pain but other than that I was fine. Last thing I remembered was falling in my aunt's arms and blacking out.

"You has a panic attack," my mom said, "they ran some blood test and other things to make sure you wasn't having a heart attack but I believe you're good to go. I'll call the nurse."

The look on my mom's face made me want to break down. It look like she's been crying or been stressing about something. I know it only had to be me and Alexis. I know it's hard for her to have children that cannot get along.

The nurse came and let me know I was free to go. I grab my bags and held my mama's hand as we walked out.

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"At the house. I didn't want anyone else here."


She started the car, "Because we need to have a talk."

By the tone of her voice, it seemed as if she was upset with me. But why? I didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm very disappointed in you and Alexis. Y'all are sisters and instead of taking up for one another, y'all trying to kill each other!"

I frowned, "You gonna let someone spit on you and get away with it?" I looked at her for an answer but she couldn't even say anything. "Exactly." I said.

"I understand that part Beyoncé but you tried to kill her."

"That was the plan."

She rolled her eyes, "Is this over Jay?"

"Him and just the simple fact that she doesn't respect me. Do you know who Corey's father is?"

She shook her head, "I've wondered but I had no clue."

"Because she's been keeping it hidden. Supposedly Jay is the father, in fact," I paused and pat my pockets to see if I still had the letter and I did. I pulled it out and gave it to my mom so she can read it herself. Once we came to a traffic light, she stopped and read over it.

"Are you serious?" She gasped, "After all these years and now she wants to threaten to take him to court. This is all a mess."

I shook my head and pulled out my phone to check my messages. Like I thought, my phone was blowing up with messages and calls. The only message I was concerned with checking was Chad's. We planned on exchanging gifts when I get back in town. He sent me a sweet Merry Christmas message that really put a smile on my face. This is our first time not spending a holiday together since we've been a couple so things are bittersweet.

"What do you think?" I asked my mom, with my head still looking down at my phone.

"I think that you guys need to take a paternity test and that both of you need to have a sit down with Jay to uncover the truth. What he had to say about it?"

I sighed, "He said that it's not true that the baby is his. He wants a paternity test as well. But I'm honestly mad at the fact that he slept with my sister, knowingly mama. He knew!"

My mama shrugged her shoulders. We were now back at home sitting in the driveway, "That's terrible knowing you guys had history but you have to look at it like this. You and Jay was never a couple. Y'all was never in a relationship and you've been away from home for all these years. I'm pretty sure he didn't think you would come back and y'all would still have the same feelings."

This Christmas {COMPLETED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz