Jayoncé - 12.

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Saturday, December 24, 2016
Houston, TX

"Mama do you have anymore tape!" I yelled. We were the only two in the house, thank God because them kids were getting on my everlasting nerves.

I was almost done wrapping gifts when I realized I was out of tape. I didn't know how much I had spoiled my niece and nephews until now. Especially Shai. I always wanted a little girl so I kind of went all out for her. Hopefully the boys don't get too jealous. Their gifts ranged from at least $50 and above so them little niggas better be grateful.

"Come get it!" She yelled back. I was upstairs in my room and she was in her room. I sighed and walked the short distance into her room and retrieved the tape from her bed.

"Are you wrapping gifts or something?" She asked.

"No, mind your business."

She lunged at me but missed, making me laugh hard as hell. I went back to my room and finished wrapping the last few gifts I had left which were surprisingly for Alexis. I looked at the gift and shook my head. She treated me like shit but I still went all out for her like we didn't have any issues. I don't even care if she gets me anything, as long as she's grateful that I was nice enough to give her something.

After I was done, I placed all the gifts into two large garbage bags and placed them behind my bedroom door. Soon as I laid back down, I had an incoming Facetime call from Chad.

"Hi baby." I answered. Looking at him made me feel so guilty but I was trying my best to forget all that happened with Jay and I.

"What's up? You look beautiful today."

"So you saying I don't look beautiful everyday?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "No, I'm not. You get what I'm saying. How's everything going over there?"

I sighed and played in my hair, "I just got done wrapping gifts so right now I'm just chilling until someone hit me up with something to do."

"It's Christmas Eve. I know you are going to be doing something."

A message came through making me leave him on pause to check it. It was our group message and Jay was having a conversation with Nas that he could have had privately.

"And I know you are going to be doing something too." I said to Chad, still strolling through the group message to see what all I had missed.

"Yeah, I'm going out with a few friends."

I didn't mean to ignore him, but I was so into what Jay and Nas was talking about that I forgot he was still on the phone. I replied with, Can't y'all have this conversation on y'all own time? Like, in y'all own separate messages?

Tammy popped out with the laughing emojis, 😂I'm saying. Y'all got my man thinking my phone is just blowing up

And of course Nas had something smart to say as usual, Y'all can shut the fuck up

I chuckled and heard my name being called and realized that Chad was still on the phone.


"I'm sorry baby. It's a group message." I said truthfully. I got him off paused and stared at him through the camera.

"Geez, is it that important? We rarely talk and when we do, you're more interested in a group message."

"Do not even start because I will hang up."

Lately he's been on me tough and I don't know why. I've been answering all of his calls like he asked. He's just been tripping honestly.

This Christmas {COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora