Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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"Hello?" I answered my phone. "Hey honey, it's your mom. Did you make it to Jasper safely," said my mom Carlene. "Yep. Made it safely Mom. Let me tell you, it's so peaceful out here. No loud noises, no people shouting, no loud music, nothing. Just peace and quiet," I said and sighed warmly. "Well that's great to hear. How did Speedy and Shakespeare do on the trip?" Mom asked me. "They did pretty good. They weren't fussy at all. Speedy loves the ranch and his stall and Shakespeare loves the new home and the new backyard. Haha," I said with a chuckle. "That's good. Daddy and I are glad to hear that you all are settling nicely in your new home," she said. "Yeah. I can't wait to have you guys over here someday. You'll love it over here in Jasper," I replied back to her. "Alright. Well, I will let you go so you can get settled in. Talk to you later baby. Love you," said Mom. "Love you too Mom. Bye," I said and then I hung up the phone and finished unpacking my things and then went to the barn to take care of Speedy. "Come on Shakespeare," I called out to my Yellow Labrador Shakespeare and we both walked over to the ranch. Speedy whinnied with excitement and trotted towards the fence to greet us. "Hey boy. How's my Speed Racer doing? Do you like your new home?" I asked my black Arabian stallion and he shook his head up and down saying that he loved his new home. "Alright, let's get you saddled up and ready for a ride. Would you like that boy?" I asked Speedy and he whinnied with excitement. So I grabbed his halter, went inside the pasture, put the halter on him and led him back to the barn to groom him and saddle him up. Then I got on Speedy and off we went for our ride. "Come on Shakespeare, let's go," I hollered at him and he walked alongside us. He always comes with us because Shakespeare's our guard dog and is willing to protect us from everything that is dangerous including rattlesnakes. Luckily, I always bring anti venom with me when we go out for rides. Got to be prepared in case if that happens right? We stopped at the top of a canyon, I got off of Speedy and sat down at the edge of the canyon to watch the sunset. I smiled and sighed warmly and Shakespeare laid down right next to me and I wrapped my right arm around his shoulders and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Aww. I love you too boy," I said and I gave him a kiss on his head. I felt Speedy give me a slight push on the shoulder with his muzzle and I giggled and gave him a kiss on his muzzle. "Love you too Speedy," I said softly. Then it started to get dark and I said,"Alright boys. Let's go," and I got back on Speedy and we made our way back to the ranch. When got there, I got off of Speedy, led him back to the barn, took off his tack, gave him a bath, groomed him, put his blanket on him and put him in his stall and gave him some oats mixed with barley and carrots, some hay and nice fresh water. "See you tomorrow boy. Goodnight," I said and then I walked of his stall, locked it and Shakespeare and I left the barn and I closed the barn doors. We went inside the house and I took a shower, made myself I bean and cheese burrito and a can of Pepsi, gave Shakespeare his dinner and we watched the movie "Moana" together. I brought a lot of DVDs with me and most of them were Disney movies (I'm a big fan of Disney). After the movie was over, I turned off the tv, turned off the lights in the house, used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, got in my pjs and went into my bedroom. It was a very nice room with a queen size bed, beautiful paintings and nice green colored walls. I got on the right side of the bed and got under the covers and Shakespeare jumped on the left side, gave me a kiss goodnight and went to sleep. "See you tomorrow buddy," I whispered and I turned off my lamp and went to sleep. While I was sleeping, I smiled a little bit and whispered,"Everything's going great. What...could possibly...go wrong?" Little did I know was that everything was about to change the next day.

Chapter 2 will be in the works soon. 😊😊😊😊😊😊

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