Which Loud Watches You While You Sleep

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Aries - Lana Loud...To laugh at you snoring.

Taurus - Lucy Loud...To protect you from demons.

Gemini - Lori Loud...To take pictures of your sleep face.

Cancer - Luan Loud...To launch the ultimate prank.

Leo - Lynn Loud...To see if you can shoot baskets while sleeping.

Virgo - Lily Loud...To drool on your face.

Libra - Lisa Loud...To take notes on you and gather information for further experiments.

Scorpio - Lucy Loud...To read her poems to you while you sleep.

Sagittarius - Lola Loud...To give you a bad or good makeover, depends.

Capricorn - Luna Loud...To play songs for you while you sleep.

Aquarius - Leni Loud...To ramble on about modern styles and her favorite types of fashion.

Pisces - Lincoln Loud...To just be a creep.

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