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*this is a tribute to Stormfrost and Soundstrike

(Ratchet's POV)

It's been over a week since Soundstrike left the base, we couldn't find him so we decided to wait for him to come back. That was the hardest thing for us, even for Stormfrost, she was taking it the hardest. She was hardly eating her Energon that we give her and she stays in her berthroom for some quiet time on her own. I was walking to her berthroom to give her a plate of small energon cubes, when I reached her door I paused for a moment, I then opened the door and I looked inside but she wasn't there. I quickly closed the door and looked around, suddenly I heard grunting from the distance. I walked closer to the sound and that sound was heading from the training room. I opened the door silently and I saw her training very hard. She grunted loudly and let out a battle cry. While she did, she cut the punching stand. She was then panting, she made me concern and scared. She then turned around and saw me.

"Sire?" Stormfrost said softly. "How long...have you been standing there?"

I was then silent for a moment until I spoke. "Is everything okay Stormfrost," I asked with concern. "You never acted like this before."

"I...I don't know how to explain but right now for short, I can't control my emotions." Stormfrost answered. "I studied about my ancestors and history, it said something about my behavior, its because I lost someone I mostly cared about. "

She was silent, I then looked away. I then took a deep breath and looked up again to her.

"Stormfrost, please eat." I begged. "You haven't ate anything for over a week."

"I'm not hungry right now." Stormfrost said.

"Your making yourself unhealthy," I said. "You are not going to have enough energy and your going to starve all day."

"I don't care!" Stormfrost shouted. "Soundstrike comes first, until we get him I'm going to train myself so I can help him!" Her servos were clinching. "I'm not going to rest until we get him back!"

I then paused for a moment, I didn't know what to say. I never seen her like this before in my whole life I raised her. Soon we both heard running pedesteps coming towards the room, someone then opened the door, it was Smokescreeen.

"Ratchet, we have a message that you might want to see."

"Who is it from?" I asked.

He then paused a moment. "I-It's Megatron."

Both Stormfrost and I's optics were widen in shock. We both ran out and ran to the main center to the computers. When I looked on the computer and opened the message, it said.

'I have something or someone that is important to your cause. Your precious Soundstrike is captured in my Warship. If you want him back, come to these coordinates if you don't come by sundown I will terminate him.' Then left the coordinates.

"We should go after him, he needs our help!" Bulkhead shouted.

"But this could also be a trap to lure us in." Shadowmark said. "I can sense Megatron is up to something."

"But we can't just stand there and do nothing!" Stormfrost shouted.

"We aren't going to allow that to happen, we just need to figure out our plan to get him back." Arcee said.

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