~What am I/What side~

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*this is a tribute to when Soundstrike meets Widewing, Tempest=Widewing and Twilight=Soundstrike.

(Soundstrike's POV)

It has been a few days since I got out of the base but right now is close to the evening. Right now I was living in a cave that hasn't been used by the cons, there was enough Energon to eat, and it was peaceful but I still miss my family. It was quiet until I heard a crack on the ground, it echoed through the the tunnels. I then transformed to my alt form and was ready to attack. It was silent until I turned around and for a moment I felt like I was pushed. I then hit the rock wall hard, when I got back up to my pedes I saw a femme that was a Predacon like me. I got closer to her, she was a beautiful silver metallic color with a bright purple stripe down from her helm to the tip of her tail.

"Who are you!?" The femme shouted. "This is my cave!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trespass." I said. "I thought this was empty, I was only staying here for the night."

I then saw the femme pause for a moment, she was thinking about something. She then transformed back to her real form.

"Fine, I'll let you stay here for the night but once it's dawn I want you gone." The femme said.

"Th-Thanks." I said in a nervous tone, it was all then silences. "So, what's your name, my name is Soundstrike?"

"Widewing." The femme responded quickly. "My name is Widewing." 

"Widewing, that's a-pretty name." I said.

"It's nothing special really." Widewing said.

"Why are you here, where are you from?" Soundstrike asked.

"I would say the same thing for you." Widewing said with a grin.

"I asked you first." I said in a amusing way.

Widewing then turned her helm to me with a grin.

"Heh, well, my Sire and I had a fight." Widewing said. "My Sire is the Decepticon Warlord."

"So wait, your a Decepticon?" I asked with full of shock.

"I'm not like the other Decepticons and I'm not a fond of Megatron." Widewing said. "And I bet your a Autobot."

"I was one but I left, cause I hurt them." I said. "Ratchet, my Sire, lied to me my whole life." I then turned my helm for a moment. "So I didn't trust him anymore."

"I bet he's just trying to protect you." Widewing said. "My Sire just cares about ending the War and killing Optimus Prime."

"I don't need his protection, I'm  a warrior now." I said in a angry tone. "I'm not a sparkling anymore."

"Your lucky to have a Sire that cares about you, mine doesn't focus on me most of the time." Widewing said. "But it's nice to get some respect from the Decepticon soldiers when you are related to the Warlord of them." She then paused for a moment. "If you have no place to go, you can come back with me."

"I'm not sure if I should." I said with a worried expression. "I don't want them to think I betrayed them."

Widewing then stood up quickly, she then turned and looked down at me.

"If they really betrayed you because they lied to you, why would you want to go back?" Widewing said. "This would be the great opportunity to show them that you are strong, to show your anger towards them, make them regret that they ever hurt you in your entire life." We were both then silent and I then felt this strange feeling inside like I was changing. I then started to have a big helmache.

"Argh!" I said.

(Widewing's POV)

Soundstrike then leaned against the cave wall in pain, when he opened his optics and I saw his optics turning purple, purple steam was coming out of his optics. He was then struggled to get back into control.

"Just relax, just let it flow within you." I said calmly.

He then closed his optics for a moment and took a deep breath in and held it in until he sighed and breathed out. He then paused and opened his optics. His optics were then finely purple and also purple steam coming out his optics. He then made a nasty grin, he chuckled a bit. He soon looked at his servos and clinched them.

"How do you feel Soundstrike?" I asked with a grin.

"I feel...powerful." Soundstrike said. "More than I imagined."

"And who are you after?" I asked.

"The Autobots." Soundstrike said.

"Let's take you to see your leader, Lord Megatron."

To be continued.

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