~Growing Up~

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(Ratchet's POV)

It was a couple hours since Stormfrost was in recharge, it was time for them to eat. I had their bottles ready, I gave one to Soundstrike. I put the other one down, I then walked to the hallway. I walked through the hallway and soon reached her berthroom, I opened the door to see Stormfrost tossing and turning like she was having a nightmare. I then speed walked to her, suddenly I saw her optics fling opened then her optics were widen in fear. She then started to cry, there was a layer of coolant in her optics. I then picked her up and she leaned on to my chest plate, I then stroked her on the helm.

"Shh, it's okay." I said calmly. "It over now."

She then looked up to me with her optics filled will coolant. I then rubbed her optics to get the fresh coolant off her optics and faceplate and then gave her a cheerful smile.

"Come on, I have your bottle ready for you." I said cheering her up.

I then opened the door and went out of her room then through the hallway. We then were in the main room. I grabbed the bottle and then gave it to her, when I did she then put it in her mouth and drank it. I then saw Soundstrike playing with our human allies. Miko had a rubber ball that was big enough for all of them to hold on to, they then played around the base.

"Pass it to me Soundstrike!" Rafael said.

I then saw Soundstrike in his Predacon alt. form and passed the ball to Rafael.

"Nice job buddy!" Miko said.

I then turned to Stormfrost to see how she was going. She was sitting on the medic berth watching them play ball while she was drinking her Energon. Soon Arcee came to me.

"Hey Ratchet, how's everything doing?" Arcee asked.

"Today was okay, I'm glad that the sparklings are now getting social with us." I said to her.

"Me too." Arcee said with a smile. "We should let them stay here for the rest of their life's."

"It's not like we have a choice Arcee." I answered.

"True, but they are happy here." Arcee said.

Soon we both heard something. It sounded like when we transform, we both them turned around to see Stormfrost trying to transform. She struggled to transform a couple times until she tried again. When she tried it, she then transformed into her Predacon alt. form, her Predacon form was called a griffin the humans called it.

"Nice job Stormfrost, you can transform now." Arcee said.

Arcee then picked her up and Stormfrost started to laugh, she did it. I was proud of her that she accomplished her goal. Stormfrost then look at Soundstrike and wanted to play with him, Arcee then put her down on the floor and as soon as she did Stormfrost ran to him. Soundstrike turned around to see Stormfrost running to him, then Stormfrost pounced on him. Then they started to laugh and so did the humans. I then chuckled for a bit.

"What's going on here?" Bulkhead asked.

"Stormfrost done her first transformation, and now I think she's showing off her form to Soundstrike." Arcee said mixed with a chuckle.

"That's great." Bulkhead said cheerfully.

We then watched all of them playing, I can tell that Stormfrost and Soundstrike has a sibling bond that will never break as long as they are together.

To be continued.
Sorry it's short.

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