Verson of the truth

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Sunday mornings were Poseidon's favorite.

He didn't have to work, or get up early.
All he had to do was relax, preferably by the pool.

The whole family, well those who still lived there, would eat brunch together on there outside dinning table.

The boys would swim and eat. And even though it was till to cold to swim it was over all a fun little tradition the family shared.

Even Percy would come down from his room to eat with them, although he usually needed a reminder.

The kid liked to sleep in till noon.

Triton Tyson and Poseidon's wife were all at the table. Poseidon was about to say grace when he realized they were missing someone.

"Triton go wake up Percy, and tell him to hurry down we've let him sleep in long enough." Poseidon said as he began making Percy a plate.

Surprisingly Triton didn't argue. Poseidon suspected his plan yesterday had caused the two boys to grow a bit closer.

Triton walked up the stairs tiredly. Seriously if Percy got to sleep in, why couldn't triton?

He walked down the hall and knocked twice.

"Yo, perce open up."

There was no response and assuming he was sleeping Triton called again, louder this time.

"Percy come on man, you know Dad doesn't let us eat until everyone is at the table."

There was still no answer. So, Triton who was a bit worried at this point, grabbed the key used to unlock his door and used it on Percy's.

When he opened the door it looked like no one was there. Percy's bed was made and everything was in place, as far as Triton knew. He's never actually been in there.

He walked over to the bathroom where the light was on.

"Hey Percy, did you not here me? Come get your ass downstairs I'm hungry."

There was no response and triton was starting to feel anxious. He thought of knocking down the door, but what if it was nothing and Percy was just brushing his teeth.

That could be awkward.

But then again what if Percy slipped or something and was hurt. Or what if....

You know Triton did understand the meaning behind an endless mirage of long sleeve shirts.

And just when Triton was about to kick the door open like he had scene in all those cop shows, it opened.

Percy stepped out of the bathroom looking a little pale, but fine.

"Yo, it smells like bleached in there what did you do?" Triton said recovering from his shock.

"Oh" Percy relied "I got sick yesterday, probably from the food at the pier. I threw up and kind of made a mess so I cleaned it up."

Triton didn't believe that but it wasn't as if he had another explanation.

"Alright, listen are you okay." Triton asked "Your looking a little pale and sweaty. Maybe I should tell Dad you're sick and then he can take you to the doctor later-"

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