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It was nice to have friends.

Yes friends, plural.

Apparently Thalia had a whole crew of misfit, cigarette smoking teens Percy had somehow missed.

It was not so nice to have parents that suddenly decided they care.

That night Percy had already decided on ditching the awkward family dinner and was gonna go up stairs to, well to what Percy didn't know, but the point is Poseidon wouldn't hear it.

The moment Percy opened his mouth to turn down yet another dinner Poseidon simply said "you don't have a choice. Everyone in this family is going to eat dinner together weather your hungry or not so go and get yourself washed up, I expect your butt sitting in the dinning room in 5 minutes."

Percy stared. He supposed since living under Poseidon's roof he hadn't been bossed around, not really. After coming from a home where rules were strict and the discipline for not following those rules were beatings Percy had taken quite some time to even leave Poseidon's house unless told. But he supposed he hadn't even realized how many things he was doing now that just wouldn't fly back home.

"Okay" he replied.

His voice sounded small.

Poseidon was taken aback by Percy's obedience. He had expected an argument, but he supposed he had just lucked out and Percy wasn't going to be as difficult as he originally thought.

5 minutes later Percy sat across from triton at the far end of the over sized dinning room table. (Seriously why was everything in this house so big). Tyson who sat next to Percy looked surprised by Percy sitting there meanwhile Triton just looked  pissed.

Amphitrite took her time laying out the food and took it upon her self to put an overly slice portion of lasagna onto Percy's plate.

Percy fiddled with it before he realized no one else was touching there food. They were all holding hands and had there eyes closed. Tyson grabbed Percy's hand as Poseidon began to pray.

"Dear lord thank you for the food before us and for all you have blessed us with. We thank you for everything we have and we hope that you will allow others to share in our fortune as well as help us grow in your light. Please let us remain happy, healthy, safe, and well. In gods name I pray, amen."

"You know, when you pray, your supposed to have your eyes closed." Tyson said to Percy.

Percy just smiled at him.

Percy didn't pray.

It's not like Percy was atheist. It's just that he hadn't been to church in years. 10 to be exact. His mother had given up on faith a long time ago. Percy hasn't  necessarily cut all ties with god, but those strings had been frayed. So for some reason, Percy couldn't bring himself to pray. At least not anymore.

A few minutes passed as Amphitrite and Poseidon spoke about there day and Percy moved food around his plate.

Percy didn't know why but he just wasn't hungry. There had to be something wrong with him.

The food smelled amazing and the other boys at the table ate seconds and Poseidon and triton even took thirds. But Percy couldn't even take a bite.

He didn't know why he wasn't hungry. He hadn't eaten all day, if anything he should be starving. But he just couldn't take a bite. In fact as long as he sat there the smell of the food when from delightful to disgusting.

"So,Percy" Poseidon said bring Percy out of his thoughts. "What did you do at school."

Percy looked up startled. Everyone had there eyes on him. It was rather uncomfortable.

"Um, you know just school stuff.."

"By school stuff" Triton said from across Percy "he means smoking with Thalia in the back of the school."

It was at that moment Percy decided it was the least nice to have siblings.

"You did what?" Amphitrite scolded from her seat next to Poseidon.

"Percy when did you start SMOKING?" Poseidon practically yelled "I don't know who you think you are but you will not be smoking as long as you live under my roof. Do you understand"

"I, I didn't- y you never said-" Percy stuttered

"And especially around Tyson." Amphitrite interrupted "do you even know what second hand smoking dose to people, gods do you just not care about anyone than yourself? You have been such a burden to this family. We invite you into our home and you've done nothing but act like some kind of criminal. Coming home late at night, never telling us where your going. Your smoking and now your hanging out with that horrible girl. Do you even-"

"That girls name is Thalia" Percy said getting pissed, but doing his best to keep his voice level. "And she's very nice. Nicer than any of you have been-"

"We took you in" Amphitrite said cutting Percy off.

"Took me in?" Percy said, all notions of keeping his voice done lost. " you didn't take me in. Hestia practically forced me into your arms. Stop acting like you did me some kind of favor, I was fine where I was before. I'm sorry your butt hurt about your husband knocking up my mother when she was only 20 and he was 28. But that's not my fault so stop fucking blaming me for it."

"Don't you dare talk to my wife that way when we have done so much for you!" Poseidon interjected.

"Don't even get me started on you." Percy said as months of frustration bubbled on his tongue. "You left her, you fucking left her."

Poseidon looked struck

"What? you think I didn't put the pieces together?" Percy continued. "You got in a fight with your wife and decided to come to the city where you had an affair with my mom. You got her knocked up. Do you wanna know what happened to her after that? She had to drop out of college to be able to support me, your kid.
And when money got to tight she slept with strangers to pay the rent, until she met fucking Gabe.
Gabe who got her fucking high on methadone every chance he could get, so when he was fucking beat me into the broken floor boards she was so high she laughed when I screamed and after she killed herself, I was stuck in that house for nine more months before my best friends went behind my back and into to the police station to report what was happening at home and got me sent to foster care where I spent another month with strangers waiting for you to get your shit together and take care of the kid you shouldn't of had in the first place."

Percy took a breath. His heart was racing.
"And" he continued, voice calm "I'm grateful for what you've done. I know a lot of people wouldn't of done that, but if you did it a lot quicker she, she wouldn't be..."

Percy's voice broke. He hadn't realized he was crying.

"I thought she died of cancer." Poseidon said, voice small.

Percy looked at his father with sad broken eyes and said "no, she jumped because we couldn't afford the medication. She didn't wanna be a burden."

Percy stood and began walking towards the door.

"Percy wait-" Poseidon started but Percy just shuttered him off and let the cold air consume him.

Back at it again with those updates.
As always thx for reading

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