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Percy remembered that night like it was yesterday.

It was cold and raining so hard Percy couldn't tell what was rain and what was tears.

He was bleeding, but the tears weren't because of the beating he had received just a few hours ago. They streamed down his face because of the news Gabe had yelled at him while he was using Percy as his own personal punching bag.

Percy had this bad feeling ever since his mom didn't come home from work.

That morning his mom had jumped off the Queensboro bridge. They had found her body later that night, and Percy had to hear the news from his drunk angry stepfather.

Percy had walked out into the cold, not knowing where he was going much like he was now.

Percy had left Poseidon's house two hours ago. He had let himself get lost in the tangle of streets. He didn't know where he was but he new he was out of that fucking house that had been suffocating him for months and that was enough.

He was angry but he hadn't meant to yell. He hadn't meant to blame someone for something he knew was his fault.

Percy believed that if he wasn't around than his mother would still be here.

Percy would take a thousand beatings from Gabe just to talk to her again to see her smile.

But Percy would never see her smile again.


And so he ran.

He ran till his breathing was coming out in gasps and his legs literally fell out underneath him. He ran until he couldn't go any further and when he couldn't move another muscle he lied there in the soft green grass of a field he had never been to.

He lied down until Percy felt the grass rustle next to him as a figure sat beside him.

"You know," Poseidon said voice tired "we've been looking for you for a long time."

There was no answer from Percy.

"After your mother and I split up I had this feeling that something was off. It took me a while but I hired a personal investigator. I never told anyone. I had him look into your mother and he told me that she had gotten a job as a waitress at some fancy restaurant and was going through college. A part of me wanted to keep the investigation open cause this feeling was just gnawing at me, but after a month of the same report I felt like a stalker. I decided I needed to use my energy to fix my marriage for my kids and stop bothering that women. If I would've known...
To be honest I'm not sure what I would've of done, but I swear to you Percy on everything I have I would of never never of let that man even come close to you or your mother."

Still there was no response

"And I know it's been hard for you coming to live with me. And I know I've been an awful dad and Amphitrite has been a bitch towards you for something that was my fault, and I know tritons been angry too, but I just....
I'm not great at the whole touchy feely thing. I don't know how to talk to you. I don't even know you, hell I don't even know your favorite color. And I know you don't even know me and there I was just a few hours ago yelling at you for something that , I dont know, maybe your mother allowed you to do and here I am changing the rules and we don't even know the first thing about each other and-"

"Blue and my mom hated it." Percy spoke.


"My favorite color is blue. And my mom hated that I smoked, but it was better than the other drugs I had been hooked on so she let it be."

There was a moment of silence before Percy continued.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you earlier. I've just been really frustrated and I guess it just all kind of bubbled up. But you need to be clear to me about the rules here. You have to understand that my life before this was very different. We didn't have family dinners and I wasn't expected to do more than to show up at school. I've never had siblings and smoking was about the only thing my step father ever approved of me doing. I'm just, not used to this kind of life. Your house is like 10 times the size of my old apartment and I've never gotten clothes that weren't second hand. I've never been to a privet school or had to be in a situation like this. No one gave me anytime to adjust. One minute I had my mom and lived in New York with my friends and Gabe and the next I'm thrown into the house of a guy I don't even know and you all expect me to just be fine, but I'm not fine. And I'm not good at talking to people either.
I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Poseidon asked looking Percy in the eye.

"I just-"

"There is nothing to be sorry for. This whole situation is a mess, but none of it, none of it, it your fault. Do you here me? You've done nothing wrong. The blame is on me and you mother and Gabe. All the people in your life who are supposed to protect you have wronged you and I'm sorry for that. But we can get through this. You just have to talk to me Percy. I never know what's going on with you. We will fix this together okay?"


I wrote this one yesterday and literally forgot to press the publish button.
As always thx for reading.

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