For now at least

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Percy didn't eat lunch.

Partially because since he moved in with Poseidon he hasn't been hungry and the other part because he wouldn't have anywhere to sit.

The school he went to was some expensive privet school. But there were no uniforms.

That was a blessing and a curse.

On one hand he didn't have to look exactly like everyone else but on the other he stuck out like a sore thumb.

Percy blamed it on his clothes.

After he moved in with Poseidon, his dad?, (still wasn't sure if he should be using that word) gave him some money to get some cloths.

This was much to Percy's disdain because despite the fact and his clothes were old and second hand and he was in bad need of new shoes, he didn't want to take anything from Poseidon. He didn't want to owe the guy anything, but he supposed it was too late to say that since he had been free loading at his house for 3 months now.

While most of the kids at his school dressed in their preppy or sporty looks, Percy dressed like....
Well Percy.

He wasn't sure how to describe what he wore other than what he wore wasn't like everyone else's style at all.

Or maybe it didn't have anything to do with his clothes.

The point was that Percy wasn't like everyone else at this preppy school and that's why he had no one to sit with.

And why he had no friends.

And why it took him so long to figure out he was lonely.

It wasn't until the call with rachel (as disastrous as that was) that Percy realized he was really lonely.

He didn't understand why it took him so long to notice but now that he had he wished he had someone, anyone, to talk to.

Percy didn't know it yet but his loneliness would soon come to an end.

It wasn't until the last days of winter that he met her.

Percy was sitting outside on a bench, coat rapped around him, smoking a cigarette.

Lunch had just started and Percy had made a bee line for the benches in the back of the school.

Percy had been craving a smoke since first period (the craving to smoke was becoming a real problem) and that first breath of nicotine seemed to make everything better.

He was expected another 45 minutes of solitude but was startled when a girl with the most shockingly blue eyes and spiky black hair sat next to him.

"Got a light?" She asked.

When Percy didn't replied she tried again.

"Listen, sorry to kill your whole lone wolf vibe you got going on or whatever but I've been craving a cig all day and my dumb ass lost my lighter so I'll ask again, got a light?"

"Right, yeah sorry." Percy said as he lit the cigarette dangling of of the girls mouth.

She took a drag and sighed at the feeling. They sat for a while in strangely comfortable silence until the girl spoke again.

"The names Thalia by the way."


"So is what they say true about you Percy."

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