20. Rough

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Oh, sweet agony.

I don't have to be fully awake to feel the aches and pains shocking through my limbs. My body is stiff which is restricting my body from moving. A mix of being overworked at the gym yesterday, not stretching, and general exhaustion.

"Amelia? come on time to wake up," A male voice whispered from somewhere to my left.

"w'time?" I croaked out miserably, my voice matching the level of exhaustion felt through my body and soul.

"10 am," A different male voice answered, poking my shoulder earning a painful whimper from my chest making them retract quickly.

"NO," I moaned attempting to swat away the intruder but my arm screams in protest preventing me from following through. My sense starts to wake up much to my dismay but I keep my eyes closed. "Why?" I whined pathetically.

"You have a massage appointment but you know you have to eat before," one of the voices stated knowingly as I preach that players have something in their stomachs for physio, chiro or massages.

"what? how?" I groaned confused as I didn't make this arrangement, especially since I wouldn't have scheduled it for noon.

"Well, I owe you. So I asked around a little bit and did some googling and found that our hotel has a really nice SPA but the only opening was for 11 am," Okay so one of the intruders was Freddie.

Opening my eyes confirms this as my drowsy ones catch his unusually soft eyes as he sits on the edge of my bed and someone tall stands behind him. Freddie's lips tilt up into a tender smile when he notices me trying to wake up properly. Blinking I Investigate the figure behind the goalie to find a yawning Auston, usual under eye bags.

"I am here on the promise of shopping," Auston spoke through back to back yawns as he dramatically leans on Freddie for support. "Yeah, we're taking you to a mall to get clothes after," Freddie adds.

"Yay, actual underwear,"

Getting up hurt like a bitch as expected and so was changing back in the leggings. I opted to keep on Auston's shirt so I can comfortably for-go a bra as the only one is a sports one and the other shirt I was given yesterday is too small to be comfortable. Throwing my hair into a messy bun, I slip on my black trainers and meet the guys in the hall where they were instructed to wait.

"Wait, don't you guys have hockey things to do?" I noted as we piled onto the elevator, Auston hitting the lobby button.

"We already did," Freddie corrected making me feel better that I'm not taking the two from anything important.

The smell of breakfast food hit us as soon as the door of the elevator dings open and the hockey giants lead me to a restaurant attached to the lobby, it was set up buffet style. Cooks in chef whites (jackets) work around keeping the food stocked to accommodate the large hockey players that have already started to arrive even though breakfast just start as the sign on the door tells me.

Matt Martin is already sat at a corner table with a plate full of nutritious foods, 'cause professional hockey player. A tired Mitch drops beside him earning a faux glare from the older Leafs but Mitch is not phased as he starts talking and eating.

I stiffly followed behind Auston loading up my plate with scrambled eggs, sausage, fruits and oatmeal. The coffee station comes in sight and my mouth begins to water, pour myself some deciding to leave it black but grabbing a sugar packet incase it's crap coffee.

Coffee and food in hand I continue to blindly follow Freddie and Auston to the same table as Mitch and Matt. I'm wedge between Freddie and a wall the pressure is actually welcome to my sore muscles. Trying to find a comfortable position though ended up with my elbow in side as I fidget and adjusted until my back is against the wall and I'm facing him now.

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