7. Jersey

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'So, who's jersey are you gonna wear?' - Steph

'No ones' I text back rolling my eyes. Once Auston joined the conversation yesterday, the bickering began, it wasn't just them either. Morgan and Matt joining in the argument on who's number I should be wearing, though I think Matt was just trying to rile up the others, he's quite good at that, must be the enforcer side.

'I don't even own a jersey, I am just gonna wear the hoodie I stole from my brother.' I added before she could make a rebuttal, I wasn't lying though I really do plan on wearing my brother's hoodie, which I was just pulling out of the dryer.

'Fine, but if you were to wear a jersey. Who's would it be?'

'Just not yours Mitch,'

'You're mean!'

'Wait I mean that's mean to Mitch because I am Steph and laugh at my boyfriend's pain,'

'Question still stands...'

Who's jersey would I wear? I would wear any to be real but I want to throw him off, going over who I met yesterday and who participated in the bickering session, I remember that James was the only one was just laugh and not trying to get me to wear their number.

'JVR' I snickered as I pressed send, that should mess him up. I yawn I did some shopping and also, I worked out this morning and I'm pretty beat, I don't even make it to my bed I end crashed on my couch. Just as I was falling asleep my phone dinged with a text. At first just thinking its Steph or Mitch as Steph I ignore it until it beeps again with a new message me. Lazily glancing at my phone I don't recognize the number.

'Hey, it's Morgan I got your number from Mitch'

'Can I ask a favor??'

I can't exactly say no.

'You can but doesn't mean I'll do it;P'

I regret how flirty I made that message sound as soon as I press send. Groaning I watch as the little dots show up meaning he's writing back.

'I slept wrong during my nap and my now my neck is stiff :(.....can you please help me?'

'Haha...yeah no problem! Come on up :)'

Smiling at my phone, I was expecting him to text back for my unit but I was shocked by a knock at more door seconds after I sent my text.

Slowing opening my door I'm greeted by Morgans sheepish smile that's missing a tooth. I quirk a brow with a slight smirk.

"What if I said no?" He shrugs.

"But you didn't, so I'm lucky," his demeanor very relax as I ushered him into my apartment. His eyes scanning his surrounds like he's trying to understand me more by apartment, you're home says a lot about who you are.

"I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it," Morgan motioning to the rather masculine look of my apartment.

"I get that often, my tastes are more masculine since growing up with my Dad and Brother. They have really influenced my taste and interests," I casually released personal information to the defensemen made almost stop in my traps on the way to getting my massage travel massage table from the laundry room. I don't know if he noticed the change in my posture or just didn't notice my lack of mention of a mother because he didn't press, which I'm glad.

I worked on Morgans kinked neck and back for about a half hour before I finished up with a gentle shoulder massage, careful to release built up tension and ease the muscle to relax in my hands. When I worked for my hands lower I could feel the start a nasty knot forming which would be the cause of a lot of grief tomorrow, before doing anything to it, I had to make sure this was not an existing injury.

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