Chapter 13 - Simple pawns

Start from the beginning

“Let’s say it’s the Black Sun. What then?”

Samuel frowned slightly, winching in pain. He had hurried to get Ellie as fast as he could, but trying to jog wasn’t a bright idea on his part. Now he was paying the price.

“They wouldn’t dare to attack out in the open; that’ll draw attention that they donna want.” He drawled whilst rubbing his leg. I scribbled it up in short notes before frowning slightly.

“I doubt that school is safe though.” I muttered whilst Josh walked towards the wall and grabbed a pen of his own. “They can’t go off on their own anymore; whoever is out there will most likely wait for them to be alone. They want an easy target, not someone who’s gonna fight to defend themselves.”

“No, y’all thinking about this from the wrong angle.” Samuel suddenly said as he sat down, still massaging his sore leg. “Think ‘bout it; if ya gonna pull them outa school, you’ll draw attention to ourselves, attention we don’t want.”

Josh’s eyes flared up with understanding as he nodded his head while I rubbed over my chin, thinking it over. If we reacted like a scared mother who had left her child at school for the first time, we’d endanger anything we fought for.

By pulling the kids out of school, the Black Sun would know that we had learned of their arrival, losing our own element of surprise. By letting them think we didn’t know a thing, they’d poke around for information, leaving their guard down enough for us to do our own poking.

It felt like we’ve spend the whole day inside that tiny room, planning and making sure that we knew what we were doing before coming out to reveal our plan to Sage. Both Laura and Davy would be informed of the basics of our plans.

I smiled as Sage slipped next to me before I pulled him on my lap, needing him to ground myself and stop all these scenarios in my head from escalating even further. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent, listened to the steady beat of his heart while the others sat down as well.

“So…All of us need to be on guard from here on out. We’ve sent our information back to our allies but sadly, “I glanced around with a pointed look aimed at my love, “Our little escapade hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

Sage paled slightly but he didn’t seem all too surprised when he nodded and brushed a slender hand through his silky brown hair. “They must have made a list of all my ghost accounts and ordered their men to check the locations out.”

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