Chapter 19: Hugs and Comas

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Larken's POV

After getting a shower from lying in bed for the last two days, Hale and I got dressed and decided it was time to see everyone again. Neither of us knew if Lena had told them I was awake, but we suspected she didn't, especially given that Chesney didn't run in screaming and attack me yet.

As I anxiously stared at the door, preparing myself to greet who knows how many people, I felt a warm fingers entwine into mine. I glanced up to see Hale with a questioning look on his face, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I took a deep breath, staring at the oak door once more. Am I ready for this? To see the pack again?

I nodded, "I've waited long enough. They deserve to have a clear conscience on whether I'm awake or not. I don't want to worry them any longer than they have."

Hale gave a reassuring smile and opened the door. We headed down the steps hand in hand, side by side as we braced ourselves for whoever was downstairs. Once we reached the bottom, we saw just how many people were there. Nearly half of the pack must have been downstairs, and I've only met a handful of them. I instantly spotted Keane and Lena sitting side by side on the couch with a worried Willow beside them. Luna Ingrid and Alpha Ulric sat at the dining table, holding each other's hands in reassurance. Chesney sat beside them with Connor next to her, gazing at little Chesney with worry.

I almost smiled at the sight. He adored her so much.

I turned to the left to see other chairs in the living room filled with more pack members that I didn't know. A few of the boys I recognized from watching Hale and Keane train with Lena, a few of the women I knew as some pack mother's. I recognized Alpha's Beta, Connell standing off to the side with a beautiful, curly haired woman standing next to him whom I could only assume was Connor's mother. A gasp cut me out of my thoughts as I turned my attention towards Willow who was now standing from her seat, teary eyed as she stared directly at me.


I couldn't hold back the grin as she raced over and shouted, "Oh my gods! Larken!"

I almost fell back onto the stairs as she swung her arms around me, I chuckled, "Missed you too, Willow."

The red head pulled back and wiped away a stray tear, "Y-you're conscious! You're standing!"

Hale rolled his eyes from beside me and I laughed, "Looks like it."

A small voice called out, "Larken?"

I glanced past Willow to see Chesney behind her and smiled at the cautious little girl.

"Hello, Chesney."

Her eyes brightened up as she raced toward me and Willow stepped aside, "Larken!!!"

I bent down and caught her in a hug, this time falling back onto the stairs as she tightened her arms around my neck. I laughed and choked out, "I think your grip is a little tight there, Ches."

She murmured through my shoulder, "If I let go, I'm scared you'll leave!"

I giggled, "I'm not going anywhere, Chesney."

She murmured again, "You promise?"

I smiled and softly stroked her back, " I promise."

Her arms loosened from around my neck as she leaned forward to face me, wagging a finger in my face. "Good, cuz you're not allowed to leave again. I need someone else to play with besides these stupid boys."

I glanced to the side to see Connor let out a short laugh and shake his head. I sympathized with the poor kid, his mate not even wanting to play with him when all he wants to do is be near her. It's almost like when I first arrived. I wanted nothing to do with my mate, terrified that he'd hurt me, when all he wanted was to be close to me and comfort me. Chesney is just too young to understand.

I glanced back to Chesney, "I can totally understand if you don't want to play with your brother, but Connor isn't so bad, is he? I mean, you're gonna need someone else to play with other than me."

She glanced back to Connor, just as I did only a second ago, and shrugged, "Yeah, I guess Connor is fun to play with too."

Connor's eyes brightened up as a small smile made its way to his face. I smiled and replied, "See, make sure you play with him too or else you'll get tired of only playing with me."

She giggled, "Okay, I guess I can play with him more too."

I giggled and a voice sounded from above us, "Dear, why don't you let poor Larken get up? She was just lying down for the past two days up until now. I'm sure she'd like to do something other than just lie down."

I glanced to Hale as a smirk made its way onto his face.

I think we both know that you weren't just laying down for the past hour.

My eyes widened as my cheeks heated up and I slapped Hale's leg, only causing his smirk to deepen while he held back a laugh.

Hale held out his hand, "Need some help, love?"

I narrowed my eyes and took his hand, making my grip as tight as possible as he winced.

I gave a sarcastic grin, "How generous, thank you."

He smirked, "Anytime, anywhere."

The heat in my cheeks only become hotter until Luna cleared her throat, turning my attention towards her.

"Here, why don't we get you away from this stairway before you hurt yourself."

I chuckled and took a few steps forward into the center of the room, not quite in the kitchen or the living room. She gave a genuine smile before hugging me, "It's nice to have you back, dear."

I gave a smile in return, "Thank you. It's good to see everyone again."

She let go as Alpha made his way forward, that same straight look on his face until he was directly in front of me.


I bowed my head, "Alpha."

When I lifted my head once more, he gave a smile. "It's nice to see you again, dear."

I grinned and bowed my head once more as he left. The others in the room gave smiles and bowed their heads to me as a way of showing their  gratitude towards my health. After everyone else gradually left, the only three in the room were Lena, Keane, and Willow. As Hale and I walked over towards where they sat, Keane stood and gave me a half smile, "I'm glad you're okay, Larken. I don't know what the pack would've done without their future Luna, let alone what would've happened to all of us. I know you're still probably getting used to being here in the pack, but you're one of us now. So no doing any more of that coma shit alright?"

I laughed and nodded, "Alright, deal."

Hale and I joined the others on the couch and watched a movie for a while. I tried to concentrate, but after Keane mentioned my coma, I couldn't help but remember all of the things I was tying together. Why was Rhett going to send me to someone else? And why did they want me? More importantly, who is this person?

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