Excited Namjoon

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Namjoon's POV

I can't wait to meet Lucy, woah how long has it been since we met the last time? 5 years? No its almost 6 years. Sigh he remember how happy the three of them playing together. How sorry he is for not being with her in her hardest time.

"Thats right i will make up for these year i havent been with her, i will try to make her the happiest girl. I dont want bad things happened again to her"
Whispering to himself and promising that he will protect his sister like old times

Normal POV

He entered taehyung room and trying to wake him up since taehyung is one of the hardest member to awake.

"Tae.. Taehyung ah, wake up we need to go to the airport.. Cmon wake up"

Seeing that Taehyung is impossible to wake up he just decided to go by himself, dont have the heart to wake his dongsaeng.

When he exit Taehyung room he meet eye to eye with Suga, sitting in the kitchen counter sipping his morning coffee.

"Oh rapmon, where is Taehyung? Arent you guys supposed to go to the airport now?"

"Hhh hyung he is impossible to wakeup i will just go by myself. Oh hyung its a bit shocking that you woke up at this time already"

Laughing Suga told him that its because he sleeps so much yesterday almost like hibernating that he woke up so early in the morning.

"Do you want me to go with you? Beside i have nothing to do now and the member is still sleeping"

Hearing Suga offering him a help Rapmonster agreeing before Suga can change his mind.

They get ready to exit their shared apartment and drive to airport.

Arriving at the airport after 30 minutes driving, lucky them the road is not packaged like usually since today is a week day and passed the busy times already.

They wait in the exit gate, its been 10 minutes they have waited for Lucy and Rapmonster trying to contact her through phone but still no answer.

"Take it easy Moni ah.. Maybe she has not yet exit her plan or maybe she is getting her laguage"

"Ne hyung, you right.. Oh wait its connected.. Hello..?? Lucy ah~ where are you?"

"I'm about to go to the exit now, where are you oppa?"

"I'm near the exit gate wearing black jacket, big black glasses and red hat. Oh.. Im with one of my member he also wear black jacket but a long one and his hair is blue. He is wearing a hat also but you can see few strain of his hair showing"

"Ok oppa im going there wait up"

"Not very talkative is she??"

Sighing "Yes hyung, she used to be tho in the past.." before he talks more he saw a very beautiful girl walking towards them and he also start walking tailed by Suga.

He hug the girl that was only reach his chest. "I miss you baby girl"

"I miss you too oppa, how world treating you here brother?"

"Everything is smooth here sist we got thropy from BBMA i hope i knew, and got many thropies from other nominations too. We are gaining popularity now days, what bout you baby girl.. I heard that you succeed a fortune each day"
Hearing what Rapmon teased her she gave a small smile to him apreciating what he tell her.

"Money can't buy happiness brother, and you know the best i care very little about money, i just do what im the best at. And yes i watch your BBMA interview and may i said that it was the most funniest things i have every watch, your member are ridiculously funny" Again she gave him a little smile see this Rapmon frowning a little bit.

"But, did you laugh at least?

Frowning she gave him a stare telling that he almost cross the line there
"You know i dont smile brother, i forgot how to, and lets stop talking unnecessary things now. Your friends looks like he about to pass out staring at us without soul inside"

Sighing for how many times he dont know Rapmon decide to stop their talking before his mouth can make her more uncomfortable, he dont want her to turn cold. He is the only closest person to her now and he dont wsnt her to closed her heart towards him too.

Gathering her laguage with Suga they head to the car and start to drive to some restaurant because them three havent eat a single bites since morning.

They enter the restaurant and coosing their food. Suga get a little bit surprised by how much she ordered, well actually not many but for a single person adding she is a girl who ordered that many food.

"No need to get surprised Yoongi sshi, yes i eat a lot not like any other girl, right?" Turning her head to face the surprise look Yoongi still wearing startled not thinking that she will know what he think when she ordered food.

"A-ah aniya mianhe to stare, i dont mean i'm sorry if you were uncomfortable uhmm.. Its good to est a lot" Face reddening and voice a bit shaking, its the first time Suga felt this way, got checkmate by a girl.

Smiling she find him funny. To be honest its not his fault to stare, she can understand him staring because many people does everytime she eat that is why she mostly cooking her own food and eat alone at home or in her office.

Rapmonster witnessing the scene in front of him trying so hard not to laugh, it hurt his stomach so much. Seeing his cold laidback hyung being startled and face red is new to him not many chance he can witness this kind of things.

"Stop laughing oppa, you are being mean to your hyung" going back reading the menu book to order some more for her to eat at her new home and maybe buying the food for her brother members for a thank you helping her.

As they began to eat, they talk a lot about things, well mostly it was Rapmonster who talk and Suga too but Lucy don't mind she likes to hear her brother talking. It relaxes her.

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