-Un willingly visit the past [Chapter 56]

Start from the beginning

Shrugging off his questionable behaviour I pulled on my jacket and zipped it up halfway. Then plugged in my earphones and after pressing play let the music fill my ears as I shut the door and started off the driveway. I could hear my footsteps through the music falling into a steady rhythm as I got further and further down the road and now the pace was set, the music playing, the breeze licking, I had made it. Made it to the start of my day, the real beginning.

I doubt that I have to even bother stating that Louis has still not gained the power to be enable him to be able to say that he raced me, because I am still refusing that I ever did promise him anything because no matter how much he continued to whine, I know that I most certainly did not promise him anything. I know this for sure because of many reasons. I only ever promise when I mean it and it’s something important and this is not. The only person I have made a promise to since I met these boys is Niall, that’s it. I am adamant that every aspect of my track days stay to myself and are not to be shared although I do not know how much longer I’ll be able to keep this up but up until now, I have.

After receiving many strange and somewhat mysterious texts from the un-known number who first text me at the beach last I got pretty freaked out. The texts would always be referring to me and Niall things such as The way he kisses your neck, is it better than how I used to? Or When he tells you he loves you do you ever hear it in my voice? After several of these I blocked the number and everything had been fine for the while. I was just waiting for when it wouldn’t be again because nothing is ever simple and the push of a button never really has stopped un-wanted occurrences creeping into my life.

I was almost back now, 2 more minutes up the road and I’d be back into the house, however as I reached the mail box where the boy on the bike would always mess the aim up on the paper I heard something which I never did on this road at this time; footsteps, behind me.

Somewhat concerned I abruptly turned my head while I carried on running since I didn’t know who or what it was and it was just better to keep my distance. Around 15 meters back was a man. He was wearing baggy jeans with white converses that were not so white anymore, he also had on a green hoodie with the hood up and as he faced the floor as he walked I could not see his face at all, so how did I know it was a man? I guess I didn’t, I just simply assumed, maybe it’s not. Something about the way they walked with that they themselves may describe as ‘swag’ disturbed me so I did something which I know I should never take to doing, changed my pace. A jog turned into a fast jog and then soon enough it was a sprint and I was back, 3 whole minutes before I usually was.

Few things had been different so far. Louis had spoken to me within the few hours that it was just us that were awake in the house, even if it only was three words which I didn’t reply to, however, it was something out of the ordinary all the same. Maybe this thing isn’t different because this was the first time that I actually watched him preparing his morning drink but he got two mugs out and I know for sure that if he was planning on having two coffees he would have them in the same mug as then there would be less washing up, he has told me this himself. So as any slightly intelligent person would, I found this particularly strange since I know that nobody else in this house does get up until way after I get back from my jog, I just know. I had also seen somebody in the streets this morning, somebody I didn’t usually see, maybe this is just me being over suspicious now but it is also, something out of the ordinary.

Stammering into the kitchen to get my routine glass of water I listened for any more signs of things being different, however, there were none. I let the tap gush to fill my glass halfway and as I downed the water I stood on my tip-toes and peered out the window into the garden in search for Louis. Sure enough he was there, sat on the deckchair with one leg crossed over the other and a mug in his hand resting on his lap that he whirled around letting the liquid inside smash against the insides of the cup. The deckchair next to him was empty, the same as all the others in the patio area but the coffee table beside it had the other mug I saw him get out the cupboard this morning on it, from what I could see it was empty and nothing else stirred in that area.

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