Skinny Love-25

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Chapter Twenty Five of Skinny Love
I lost myself, trying to become the
perfect "girl" for you. Then I realized
something, you shouldn't
sacrifice yourself- who you are- for
someone you just met.

"Zayn I-"

Busy. Zayn signs quickly, running down the stairs. Elise frowns and sits down on the bleachers, watching Zayn's retreating figure. He came back, thirty two minutes later with a girl who's heart was three sizes too small for her body-which was strange considering she wore an extra small.

Elise watched as they talked and laughed, hiding her hurt with a smile.

"I gotta go, bye Gem." Elise says.

"I thought you were gonna stay for Zayn's game."

"I forgot I'm babysitting tonight." Elise lies, a sensation, she's never felt before, burning inside her.

She walks through the crowds of people with haste before being stopped at the gate. Elise was crying by then. She had tears streaming down her face, she wore heartbroken well.

"Hey E."

"Haz I'm busy right now."

"Hey..whats wrong?"

"I'm just..I cant deal with all of this anymore."

"All of what?"

"This.. I-I'm bound to this stupid town with these dumb people where everything is always the same." Elise cries, leaning against the white gates, tears still falling freely.

"Hey..thats not true. You're smart, you'll get out."

"I got rejected by Cambridge." She sobs, falling into Harry's arms.

"Lets get out of here." Harry says, standing up with Elise in his arms. He carries her in bridal position, which was simple because she was so small.

" don't you have your game?"

"I'm sick, cant play."

"Oh.." Elise frowns, cuddling into his familiar arms.

Harry carries Elise into his car, fastening her seatbelt and driving to his home. He takes her phone and tells her mom she's sleeping over Gemma's house, which wasn't a complete lie. He and Gemma had different father's, thus meaning she switched off weekly.

Harry's house was beautiful, they won it through the divorce. It was a lovely 1.2 million dollar home on the right side of town, which was far away from where Elise lived. The house was white, and a traditional Floridian home with pretty lights flashing in the patio, a big pool, and four bedrooms so big- it was impossible to decipher which was the master.

"Harry I love him but I dont think he loves me back." Elise cries, laying on Harry's bed with her back against him.

"You're Elise Charter, everyone loves you." Harry says, desperately wanting to add something. But he knew he couldn't tell her how she felt. It wasn't the right time or place.

"Harry its cold."

"Moms not home." Harry laughs, "I forget to turn on the heater."

"That's not very responsible.." Elise says, hand barely latched around Harry's wrist. "But when were you ever responsible?" Elise smiles, pulling Harry down next to her.

"Elise Zayn wont be happ-"

"He's flirting with some girl and he keeps blowing me off. I'm fucking terrified, I've been..rejected and I-I needed him."

"You dont need him, you got me."

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