Skinny Love-18

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Chapter Eighteen of Skinny Love
"First love is special, but second love
is too. Second love shows that you
can still love again after getting your
heart broken. It shows there's always hope."

It seemed like everything was frozen in time. Elise stared at Zayn through her thick eyelashes, watching as he punched Harry. She was screaming and everything was in slow motion.

"Oh my god Zayn! Harry stop!"

And they did, not for themselves but for Elise. She was crying hysterically, shaking and tying her ripped dress together. The dress was a hand-down, her mother wore it and now Elise was wearing it. And then Harry ripped it.

"Elise-" Harry stood up from the floor to hug Elise. She was shaking, like a chihuahua. It was cold outside and her dress was ruined, as well as her smile. She couldn't imagine the look that would be on her mother face- the disappointment. It hurt more then angry words ever could

"D-d-dont touch me. Leave." She said sternly, staring into Harry's emerald green eyes. Almost as if she was daring him to say. Elise stares as Harry leaves the empty park beside the school, getting into his car and driving away.

"Thank you so much, Zayn." Elise sobs, laying down to hug him. Harry left bloodily, but Zayn hadnt. Harry picked a fight with the wrong man. In addition to football, Zayn also did boxing out of school and recently joined the wrestling club.

Zayn hugged her back, taking off his black blazer and putting it over her shoulders.

Dont cry Elise.. he's stupid and hormonal.

''He was going to-"

Sh..I know. And we're telling President Charles on Monday.

''No..I dont want to. He was obviously intoxicated."

Zayn didnt comment on her request, instead he just hugged her tightly. She was so small and frail- and he was terrified of letting her go. It was almost as if he thought that if he did let her go, she's vanish into the cool winter air. He kissed her forehead softly. In his religion, it wasn't appropriate to touch woman. But they weren't in Pakistan and Elise wasnt just any other girl.

He could see a future with her- in fact, thats all he could see.

Do you want to come over? My mom knows how to sew.

"I'd love to meet your mother." Elise smiled through the pain.


Zayn's house was a lovely single family on the right side of town. It had three bedrooms and a garage and it seemed so intimidating to Elise. A house this pretty belonged to Zayn. Deep down she felt embarrassed. Her home was small, an apartment with only two bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen which was open concept and led to a living room. It was not nearly as close in width of length as Zayn's.

Zayn opened the door with his keys, which lead to a foyer. Zayn took Elise's hand in his, leading her through the dinning room and into the kitchen which was beyond the long hallway.

Mum, this is Elise. Elise this is my mum.

The first thing that stood out about Mrs. Blanchard was her beautiful eyes. They were kind and charming, warm and hazel colored. She was a shorter woman with the friendliest smile Elise had ever encountered. On top of that, she gave great hugs. 

Its such an honor to finally meet you, Zayn talks about you all the time. You have a lovely home, Elise signs, noticing her hearing aid. She was deaf.

Darling the honor is all mine. Can I offer you something to drink..or eat? The cake should be done in about fifteen minutes. Mrs. Blanchard smiled,

I'm fine, thank you-

Mum, some asshole ruined her dress..can you maybe fix it? It was her mothers and is extremely important to her.

Oh of course I can, darling. Zayn go get her one of Emma's shirts so I can sew it for her.

Ill be right back. Zayn said with a smile on his face.

So you're a junior?

Senior. Elise smiled just as Zayn entered the door with an extremely big t-shirt.

Emma's room is locked so you can just wear this. Zayn said, handing the shirt and sweatpants to her. Elise smiled and excused herself before changing in the bathroom.

She slipped on the shirt and pants, reveling in how it smelled just like Zayn. The t shirt was big so she tied it in the back, and the sweatpants were also big but she could adjust it with the string which went around inside the hem on the sweatpants.

Elise slowly walks towards the kitchen, watching Zayn as he helped his mother frost the chocolate cake. Elise handed Mrs. Blachard the red dress, saying a quick thank you. Mrs. Blanchard left the kitchen, leaving Zayn and Elise alone with their thoughts.

Elise smiles and sits beside him on the stool. Zayn gives her a ziplock filled with icing, letting her decorate half of the cake. She drew flowers while Zayn just did long blue stripes.

Elise was so concentrated on her flower, she hadnt noticed Zayn was staring at her. He looked as if he were in love with the girl- you could tell how deeply her cared about her by the way he looked at her.

Zayn "accidentally" smears icing on her nose, making her eyes go wide. She smiled sweetly before painting a heart on his forehead with green colored icing. Zayn and Elise are soon drawing on eachothers faces and giggling because of the way it felt. Zayn's heart was thumping against his chest quickly, Elise was so close to him.

They were now taking the icing off of each others faces.  It was a simple gesture but so symbolic. He took off her makeup, her mask..her insecurities. And she was allowing him to. They were growing closer and closer to each other and Zayn's infatuation couldn't be labeled silly anymore. It was now beautiful and mutually felt.

Zayn slowly inches closer to her, and Elise finds herself doing the same. None of them realized what was happening until it was too late. Their attraction was magnetic. They were drawn to each other without explanation or bound.

The kiss was more then what Zayn wished for; it was perfect.

''Thank you so much for everything..this has been very..memorable. Um return the dress tomorrow?" Elise jumped out of her seat and out the glass doors. Elise said goodbye to Mrs. Blanchard, making the excuse that her mom wanted her home when in fact no one was home.

Just Elise and her guilt.

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