Skinny Love-13

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Chapter Thirteen
It's the quiet ones who surprise us the most.

"Zayn sooo likes you." Gemma said, painting her nails pink. Gemma and Elise were in Elise's house, waiting for Zayn and Harry to show up. Elise's adoptive mother was at work- she had been the entire day. So, naturally, Elise decided to invite her friends over. Of course, her friends were a selective few. She was a very picky girl when it came to company.

"He does not." Elise groans from the floor, drawing her art assignment. A self portrait.

"Yes he does. Don't you see the way he looks at you?"

"As a friend. We're just friends."

"Elise..earlier when we were leaving the library I swear I heard something."

"What do you mean?"

"He was trying to talk for you. He's changing for you..its so cute." She gushes meanwhile Elise dropped the paintbrush in her hands. Her eyebrows creased as she pouted. She didn't want Zayn to change, that was never her intention. She liked him as he was and didn't want him to "change" for anyone-especially her.

"I'm dating your brother and you're trying to get me with Zayn. What's wrong with you?" Elise laughs but asks earnestly. If she had a sibling, she wouldn't be trying to break up their relationship.

''It's not a big deal..forget I said anything."

"What? No, tell m-" and just as Gemma was about to say something, Harry and Zayn busted into the apartment with two large pizzas. Harry went to the kitchen after screaming "Hi" while Zayn waved to the two brunettes, shyly sitting next to an angry looking Elise.

What's wrong? He asked with his hands.

Stay over tonight. We have to talk, its important.

Sure. Let me just ask my parents. Zayn communicated, taking his phone out.

Harry came back outside-sitting in Elise's patio with four pizzas on his plate. Elise frowned as Harry motioned for her to eat, shaking her head. Harry stood up and went into the kitchen once again, this time he got the one thing he knew she would eat. Almonds. They were low in calorie and high in protein so she ate them a lot. It was the only way to keep her alive yet still thin.

"Thank you." She said, not looking into Harry's sad eyes as she took the food out of his hands. She munched on her almonds contentedly-only eating a handful before she got "full.'' Since her body was accustomed to going days without receiving food the times she did eat, she'd eat little then get full.

"So, the Fall Ball is coming up soon...who are you going to take, Zayn?" Gemma inquired, already knowing his answer.

No one. He typed then sent it to their group chat.

"Well I'm sure Harry wont mind sharing Elise with you..i would go but freshmen have a different date."

Zayn only sat their quietly, shrugging his shoulders.

"I wouldn't mind, man. We could pick you up-wait, I could hook you up with Nicole. She's hot mate, you'd like her." Elise wasn't the type to get jealous nor was she the type to care. She didn't care if Harry lusted after other girls because she knew that beauty captures the eyes but personality captures the heart.

"If he's into sluts then yeah." Gemma spat harshly. She didn't want Zayn with Nicole-he wanted Zayn to be with Elise.

"You'd like her body, not her personality." Elise corrected and Harry nodded.

"Yeah..same thing. She's hot. Do you want me to-''

Sure. Zayn typed, surprising them all.

Just to be clear, in the pervious chapter, Zayn did not talk. He tried to but it just came out as a grumble. This chapter explained why he tried to talk.

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