Skinny Love-15

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Chapter Fifteen
"What am I supposed to say? When I'm all chocked up and you're okay."

Elise heard grumbling underneath her, radiant beams of the sun hitting her-tempting her to wake up. Yet, she refused. She groaned at the sound of her phone ringing, cuddling deeper into, what she assumed, was her mother.

Elise. Siri's voice rang into her ear, causing her to jolt up from her slumber. She finally opened her eyes only to be mortified as to what she saw. She was on top of Zayn, she had slept on him. Her eyes darted to a mirror only to see that her face was covered in mascara stains. She straddled Zayn, ignoring the tent in his joggers.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." She says, looking deep into Zayn she eyes with remorse. Zayn cracked a smile and shook his head,

It's okay.

"God I must be crushing you." She says, getting off of his lap awkwardly, making sure not to hurt his manhood while doing so.

Not even close. You're as light as a feather, Elise. He says, smiling while getting up to go to the bathroom. Elise blushed at his sign for her name. It was a heart. In order to have a name in sign language, a mute or deaf person had to make it with their hands. He made her name a heart.


Have you decided what you're going to do?


I'm assuming this is our last day together? He laughs, making Elise shake her head.'re choosing me?

"Kind of. I'm choosing me. And choosing me means I need both of you because I can't live without neither. I need you both. You're my best friend, Z. I can't just abandon you."

Zayn smiled, squeezing Elise lightly. They had been watching a movie, cuddling and Zayn was eating leftover pizza from yesterday. She was sitting in between his legs, watching the movie intently while he was staring at her.

She's so beautiful. Zayn marveled at her pink lips, blue eyes, and perfect skin. Not only was she beautiful physically, she was also beautiful mentally. It was insane, her beauty, and incomparable.

"E..E.." he tried angrily, frustrated that it didn't work. He hadnt spoken in four years, it would be a while until he could speak fluently again. Before he met Elise he had no intention of ever talking again, but now he wanted to talk for her. He needed to.

He wanted to change for her. He knew that, given the chance, she could really like him. Maybe if I could speak we would be together, he thought, I could be like Prince Charming or some shit and she'd love me. I'd treat her better than Harry ever could.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concern laced in her voice. He nodded, giving her a small smile. His smile could've fooled anyone, but she wasn't anyone, she was Elise. She knew something was wrong.

"No..tell me." She says, turning her body so they were now face to face.

I'm..I wanna talk.

"Seriously?" Her eyes lit up with delight, a wonderful, toothy smile on her face.

It's hard though...

"You should speak with Ms. Forman, the school nurse. Maybe she could help you."

I wanna do it alone. I don't need help.

"Zayn everyone needs help sometimes." She mumbles, biting into her lip.

We both need help. You more than I.

"No. I don't wanna-"

If you talk to Ms. Forman then I will too. He bartered, hoping she'd give in.

"Zayn this is different. I'm, I can't..I-I can't just. I was adopted Zayn, you don't know what happened to me." She stuttered frantically, tears gathering in her eyes.

Tell me.

"Only if you tell me your story."

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