Skinny Love-6

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Chapter Six
"It hurts to know you will never look at me the way I look at you."

Elise sat on the bleachers of Bradford Valley High School with a grin on her face, hands clapping every few minutes. Zayn was, as a result of Harry's never ending asking, on a trial game. They were up against G. Beacon High School-a prep school known for academics, not athletics. Since G. Beacon was horrible at football, Coach Styles saw the game as an easy win and allowed Zayn to play as a try out.

"B R A F O R D, we are the best. B R A F O R D, here to impress. B R A D F O R D-" Elise muted the cheerleaders voices in her mind, eyes concentrating on the game. Her legs tapped in anticipation, chewing on her lips nervously. Zayn was the new kid so no one really trusted him with the ball-and the one time they did, he dropped it. They were in the third quarter and Elise was worried that one mistake would determine his getting on the team or not.

"Elise, honey, do you want popcorn?"

"No thanks, mum."

"You can't just...Elise, you're going to disappear sooner or later." Her mother said, poking Elise's skinny thigh.

"Later, I- ah!" Elise squealed, jumping up along with everyone else sitting in the bleachers. Their team had scored yet again another point-but this time it was different. This time it was Zayn who earned the team a point.

"Darling, calm down. We were already winning."

"No mum I can't. Zayn made the point and he was so fast-Coach Styles has to put him on the team."

"Elise, what about Harry?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been spending a lot of time with Zayn and all I ever head about now is Zayn..what happened to Harry, your boyfriend? I'm sure he isn't too fond of Zayn sleeping over almost every other night."

"What he doesn't know won't affect him." Elise answered simply, a feeling of guilt boiling inside her. She felt horrible about not telling him but they were just friends. At least that's what she thought.

"Elise!" Her mother scolds, feeling bad for the green eyed boy.


"Congratulations!" She exclaims, opening her arms to hug Zayn only to be interrupted and hug Harry. He ran in between Zayn and Elise, perfectly fitting through the gap.

"Congrats, Haz." She said, peppering kisses on his face as he twirls her around. Zayn watched with sad eyes before turning around and walking away-walking back home. Originally the plan was to go to Elise's house but he figured she'd much rather hang out with Harry- her boyfriend.

There's no way a girl like her would go for a dumbass freak like me. He thought just as rain began to fall.

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