Skinny Love-2

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Chapter Two
She made new seem like a good thing.

"This is our new international exchange student, Zayn Malik." Their principal spoke proudly. It was their first foreign exchange student in years-after the incident that occurred once tragedy hit.  All of the foreign student from Iran were ridiculed and beated once the horrific news of Nine Eleven spread throughout Bradford.

Harry listened intently to the principal meanwhile Elise was in a far off place. She stared at Zayn with a slight pout. He had a small scar near his ear and he didn't speak nor did he make any sound. He was escaping something from his country and Elise immediately thought the worse.

"And lastly, this is our auditorium, where you will later be introduced." Harry spoke charismatically, a smile on his face.

"And don't be nervous, okay? It's not going to be long and everyone is very kind and welcoming here." Elise said, trying to ease the anxiety in his eyes. He nodded, comprehending what she said while chewing on his lips.

"So, Zayn..are you thinking of joining any sports? I know it's kinda late but I can talk to my dad-I mean, the coach."

Zayn shook his head as to say no, eyes glued on the floor.

"So we've missed homeroom but, since you're new, you won't get in trouble. May I please see your schedule?" She asked softly. Zayn took out the neat folded paper and handed it to the pretty girl, trying to remain neutral when his hand collided with hers.

"We basically have the same classes." Zayn mirrored her smile, happy he'd be seeing her everyday. The bell rang and hundreds of kids exited their homerooms and migrated to their next classes.

"I have gym class and dad will kill me if late." Harry said before pecking Elise's lips. Zayn watched with his jawline clenched.

"Bye Zayn, it was really nice meeting you..and, don't be a stranger-"

"Sit with us at lunch tomorrow?" Elise cuts Harry off, looking straight into Zayn's hazel colored eyes. He debated whether or not it would be a good idea.

Initially, he was going to decline. Then Elise pouted. It was like kryptonite, completely compelling- it made him have to comply with Elise's wishes.

|Skinny Love Z.M.|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora