Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

She opened her mouth to say something, but for the first time in a long time, she closed it, thinking better of it.

I looked away from her, and back at the rest of the group.

"Now, I think that we should all get some rest tonight and discuss what happened tomorrow," I said, keeping my voice careful. I didn't have the energy to explain everything, and I honestly just wanted a few minutes to myself with Craig to talk to him, to try and figure out what happened. "I'm sure everyone is tired. I know I am. Besides, we have clean up."

"Speaking of everyone," Darlene said, looking around. "Where's Jackal?"

Liam and I both exchanged a look, realizing we left him in the car.

"Wheelchair?" I asked him, my voice coming out awkwardly as I made eye contact with him. There was so much hurt as he looked at me with Craig, and the guilt was incredibly unsettling.

"Already on it," he responded as he turned away from me, running towards the back, hopping over the dead bodies that littered the ground. I groaned internally, knowing not only would I have to talk to Liam about things, but that it was going to take hours to clean out all of these bodies.

"Hey," I turned to Craig, who's looked at me with an expression I'd never seen before. He had the simplest of smiles, and there was something in his eyes that made me suck in a breath and my heart leap. I didn't know if why he looked at me like this, but I didn't have time to focus on that, I had to help Jackal. "I'll be right back. I have to go get a friend. Just...stay here, and don't move, okay?"

"I'm right here," he said reassuringly. It was clear that I was still cautious with leaving him, and that I was even more aware of his mortality in this moment. But, he just kept giving me that smile of his and squeezed my hand. "Now go, help your friend."

"It's good to have you back," I whispered in his ear as I pulled him into another quick hug. Then, reluctantly, I let him go and turned my back to him, heading for the door. Even though I walked away from him, I could still feel his presence lingering on me, and I took solace in that, because I didn't know how long I'd be able to have him this time around and I was grateful that I had him now more than ever.

I was already down the hall in no time, making sure to keep the door shut behind me. I was thankful that the lights stayed on in the hospital, even though the ones in the cafeteria were flickering. Any light was light, and that was a comforting, useful thing in this world. If it were months ago, I'd have been concerned that snappers or people would see it, but there were almost no people left and the light was dim enough in the building that snappers wouldn't pay enough mind to know that there was food in here.

Once I was in the lobby, I spotted the car. I thanked the lord that we remembered to shut the doors, so that way no harm could come to Jackal, but I still worried about his leg. It was injured badly, and I knew that his leg could already be infected, especially with the bone jutting out. We had been gone for over an hour, and I honestly wasn't sure if when I opened that door, he'd still be alive.

I couldn't help but think how much damage that could do to Liam if he lost Jackal. Jackal is his father figure, the only person he really has left from his old life, and the only person that hasn't gone crazy on him. He had me, but I was different. I came into the equation months ago, but we only started with each other hours ago. He was important to me, and I knew that deep within my soul, but Jackal was there from the beginning. And I honestly had no idea how much of a downward spiral he could be sent on by the death of someone he's loved since he was young.

I neared the car, using the illuminated lights from the lobby to see. The windows were tinted, so I couldn't see through them. The only way I'd find out anything is by going up to car and opening the door.

The Dead and the Restless (Completed with undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now