Dinner in Rivendell

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Arwen had successfully trapped me in my room as I was ambushed by handmaidens. They ushered me onto my armiore chair as they began to untie my braids. Arwen was giddy as she helped the ladies disarm me and peel off my armour.

"Im wi ú- fug hi." (I will not forget this) I told Arwen as I tried to escape. Arwen held me down firmly so my efforts were for naught. She gave me a giant smirk as she finnished undressing me.

"Im wi gar- na tir- cin. Hi, cín fós na- i vedui nad na ceri-." (I will have to watch you. Now, your bath is the last thing to do.) Arwen said as she and the ladies finally let go off me. I was left in my small clothes and my wavy locks cascaded down my back. They quickly led me to the pool in the adjorining room which smelled of various flowers. I discarded the last of my clothes and relaxed in the warm floral water. I felt my muscles and mind relax which felt incredibly good. I hummed to myself as I looked at the view.

The balcony stretched from my bedroom to my bathroom as it overlooked the cascading waterfalls and valleys below. The gold satin curtains and high altitude blocked anyone from staring into my room. I relaxed as the ladies washed me and tended to some bruises on my arm from the Orc attack. They handed me towels to help dry me off and gave me a purple robe to walk around my room in. Arwen used some magic to partially dry my hair which no longer clumped to my head.

I was brought back to my bedroom where a gold and purple gown sat on my cream bed. I changed back into my flesh-coloured corset and black pants. The ladies heped me put on the intricate dress and gold shoes. Arwen led me back to my armiore to do my make up and hair. She let my hair cascade down but connected two braids at my side with a black clip and placed simple silver earings. She was careful to hide my dwarven family bead deep in my hair which I was thankful for. I didn't want anyone besides my family to know unless I trusted them.

The makeup was simple with a small amount of brown eyeshadow but she made sure to make my lips pop. She painted them a deep muave colour which I loved. When I got up, I gave her a giant hug as payment for her work. The handmaidens curtsied as a brunette handed me my silver circlet. I took it and placed it on my head completing my look. I nodded my head and began to head to dinner with Arwen next to me and the handmaidens trailing us.

As we rounded the corner, I heard the dwarves complaining about no meat and chuckled to myself. When I entered the room, everyone was silent and my people bowed in respect. Uncle Elrond rose from his chair to greet me as everyone remained bowing. I saw that the dwarves were completely confused as they kept staring at me then at each other. However, I saw that Thorin was only confused for a moment before he began to think harder.

"Cin thír stuna. Cin trului a'na i tinu -o mín núr." (You look stunning. You truly are the star of our people.) Uncle Elrond said as he gave me a large hug.

"Thund cin Avo Elrond. Im estel i im am ú- tardui." (Thank you Uncle Elrond. I hope that I am not late.) I replied as I reciprocated the tight hug.

"-o iór ú-," (Of course not) Uncle Elrond replied as he began to break up the hug. He noticed that the dwarves were increasingly uncomfortable with so much Elvish, so he reverted to the common tongue for the rest of the evening.

"We have just started. You are home, don't fret my dear. Come let us eat." Uncle Elrond assured me as he motioned to his table. Arwen took his arm and they began to walk a bit with me following behind until Dwalin spoke.

"Hey lassie, how are you suppose to fight in that frilly outfit? It looks like it'll fall apart in one move." Dwalin teased as the others cheered him on.

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