The Truth Revealed

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Uncle Elrond quickly closed the doors behind me and went to his own room down the hall. I pulled on the door only to find it locked, which meant I was at Arwen's mercy. With no way to escape, she finally released her anger.

"How could you just disappear like that?! We thought that you had been captured, especially since you and the dwarf king were missing. Are you that oblivious to the target on your back!" Arwen screamed as she paced my room.

"I'm sorry Arwen, I didn't think that I would be gone for long. I wanted to calm down Thorin before he started a fight." I said as I tried to calm her down. However, my defense only enraged her more.

"You always think about others well-being before yours. You are the most important person in our lives not just because you're family. You're our princess, soon to be queen, in case you forgot. We need you, our rightful ruler,  alive to have some unity." Arwen said as she began to calm down. She sat on my bed and I joined her as she rubbed her temples.

"I'm sorry Arwen. I can forget so easily how important my safety is to our people. How can I be a good queen if I don't care about others? I don't want to shut myself away from the world. We live here too, shouldn't I care about what happens around me?" I told Arwen who mumbled in agreement. I quickly brought her into a hug to gain her forgiveness.

" Im ber na n- mareth ca'fu a ú- n- sui limb a ful." (I promise to be more careful and not be as much a fool.) I told Arwen as we held each other.

"Im wi ú- fug. Mín baur na desar an i asar." (I will not forget. We need to dress for the festival.) Arwen reminded me as she got up. She gave me a smile before leaving to tell me I was forgiven. I smiled briefly before walking over to my warobe. I rummaged through it and found the right dress. Thankfully, Arwen had told the handmaidens that I didn't need any help. I was happy to be able to dress myself for once. I undid mybraids and let my hair fall down. I did a quick brush and let it loose. I clipped a veil to my circlet which covered my entire face. The back of it covered down my back to cover my hair. I heard a knock and went to the door. Arwen and Uncle Elrond were waiting for me outside. I took each of their arms and we began to walk to an area behind the bathing pools. We rounded the corner and waited by the stairs of a small clearing. I heard yelling which was quickly silenced. The trumpet sounded and played a solemn melody accompanied by singing. We walked down the stairs and were flanked at both sides by my people. The wailers had already begun to sing the funeral song as I stood between them eyeing everyone.

I noticed Thorin and the company at the far end to my left

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I noticed Thorin and the company at the far end to my left. They were all looking at me strangely and wanted to rush me with questions. Gandalf held them back and I assumed that he had quieted them earlier. My uncle and cousin returned to me holding a basket of trinkets. I slowly walked forward to the end where three statues stood in front of a small waterfall. The scene was usually peaceful and pretty. When I reached the statues, I felt tears well up in my eyes and noticed that the procession song had finished.

All eyes were on me, I felt my family hold me and nodded at them to continue. I grabbed a black flower from Arwen's basket and a matching candle from Uncle Elronds. I bowed at the statue near the end before placed the items at their feet. I waved my hand over the candle to light it and slowly rose up before bowing again. I moved onto the statue to my far left and felt my tears flow. I grabbed a green flower and matching candle, repeating the same actions. The middle statue remained and I felt a giant knot in my stomach. I pushed myself forward and knelt before it. I could no longer hold my tears back and let them cover my face. I did the same actions with a purple flower and candle. However, I couldn't get up on my own. I used the statues outstretched hand to hoist myself up and stared into its gaze. After a while, I stepped back and was comforted by my family who pulled me to the side. We stood on the right and faced the company. I was still grieving so Uncle Elrond gave the guards the motion to proceed.

They used their torches to light the large stands at the ends of the statues, illuminating them. My father stood in the middle with his hands open, signifying his kind and trusting nature. To his left, My uncle Elendil stood with one hand on his hip as he gripped his sword, reflecting his preparedness for war. To my father's right, My Uncle Thror stood with both hands on his battle ax, demonstrating his stubbornness. The rest of the company looked shocked at the statues, especially Thorin. I kept my eyes glued at the statues as the ending song begun, which was spoken in the common tongue.

Despite my tears, I joined in and sang my best. As we sang, white lanterns were being passed around. Though my black veil, I saw that the company actually took some lanterns. As the song closed, we bowed our heads toward the statues and released the lanterns into the air. The song ended and we watched the numerous lanterns rise into the air. After a few solemn moments, the ceremony was over. My family and I led everyone back to the dining area where there were some refreshments. I socialized with a few of the people before being called over by a fuming Thorin. As I was dragged away to the hallway, I excused myself from the room to avoid an altercation.

"What is the meaning of those statues and that ceremony? Who are you?" Thorin demanded as the others cornered me. They were all looking menacingly at me which was understandable.

"I'll explain everything in private. We can discuss this in my room, follow me." I told them as I led the way. They begrudgingly followed me and were extremely nervous. I let them go into my room first so that they could inspect it for 'boobytraps'. I quickly told the guards to leave us before shutting the door. When I faced the group, they were all staring at me, awaiting my explanation.

"Tonight was ' Aur an tuin lelya-' (day for those gone), a festival of the dead. On this day we remember loved ones we've lost by releasing lanterns. It wasn't always a massive funeral. It started as a celebration of the friendship between us, men and dwarves, when we crossed over from the undying lands across the sea. It only became a sad event over 400 years ago." I informed them which partly answered their questions. They were still unsatisfied and began to ask me a million questions. However, Thorin quickly wrangled them and became my inquisitor.

"You've only answered a small part of our questions. Why are there statues of my grandfather in elf lands?!" Thorin demanded as he stared into my soul. Everyone agreed in response hostilely.

"The statues were erected to honour my dead family members. Thror and Elendil were like my uncles. They were very close to my mom so much so that they were like her big brothers along with my Uncle Elrond. We were a big, happy family until they were taken from me." I said as I began to tear up. The others noticed my pain and became more sympathetic.

"What happened to them, if I may ask?" Thorin asked softly as his gaze became more sympathetic.

"It would be easier to show you. I think my memories will provide a better explanation." I told them as I muttered a spell, transporting us into my memories.


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