The Shire

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Gandalf and I stayed overnight in Bree after our meeting with Thorin. The meeting went better than I had expected. Despite the little scuffle at the end, Thorin seemed set on continuing the quest , even with me. He had left earlier in the morning to meet with the dwarves while we decided to leave in the afternoon for the shire. After a quick ride, we arrived in the rolling green hills of the shire. Under my cloak, I saw a few hobbits out doing their daily tasks, soaking up the beautiful sun. I noticed that they kept staring at me as we passed. With my hood on, a majority of my face was hidden, making me appear ominous. We traveled through the winding paths until we reached our destination. A young hobbit was daydreaming in front of his dwelling as he smoked a pipe. The home had lush flora in the front making it aesthetically beautiful. The hobbit seemed oblivious to our presence as he made smoke rings. With a swift move of my wrist, I made the rings go back into the brunette hobbits mouth. This finally got him out of his daydream as he blinked and coughed from the intrusion. Finally, he brought his head up and looked at us hard. His eyes finally settled on Gandalf after a few moments on me. 

"Good morning." He said swiftly as he craned his neck to look at Gandalf in the eye.

"What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is  a good morning whether I want it to or not?" Gandalf asked almost slurring the last lines. I snickered a bit as the poor hobbit looked completely dumbfounded and hoped Gandalf's game would be over soon.  

"Or perhaps you mean to say to me that you feel particularly good this morning or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?" Gandalf asked as he steadily held onto his staff.

"All of them I suppose"the hobbit answered shakily, earning a disappointed stare from Gandalf. "Can I help you?" the hobbit asked bewildered.

"That remains to be seen. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure with." Gandalf stated as he carefully studied the halfling's face.

"an adventure" the hobbit said confused as his pipe dropped from his mouth. "No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things." he said shaking his head as he moved towards the gate. "Make you late for dinner." he said as he rummaged through "important" mail. "hump, mm, well good morning." the hobbit replied as he began walking to the front door. I looked at Gandalf and saw his face turn a bit red. I knew that his fury was going to come out soon and decided to walk back a few paces. 

"You think that I should have lived to be good morning by Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door." Gandalf replied with irritation as he stepped closer to the gate. This caused the hobbit to stop in his tracks and face us again.

"Beg your pardon." the halfling asked with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"You've changed...and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins." Gandalf replied with a dissapointed stare. 

"I'm sorry,but do I know you?" Bilbo innocently asked, agitating Gandalf more. 

"You know my name although you don't remember that I belong to it. I'm Gandalf and Gandalf means ... me." Gandalf replied sternly though he faltered towards the end.

"Not Gandalf the wandering wizard who made such excellent fireworks. We use to have them on Midsummer's Ever. Oh, no idea you were still in business." Bilbo replied as he finally recalled Gandalf. The snootiness at the end caused Gandalf to throw him an almost murderous look while I stifled my chuckle. I did not want to deal with an angry Gandalf. 

"And where else should I be?!" Gandalf angrily asked, not really wanting an answer. Bilbo tried to answer but nothing came out but hmms and ahhs. After his failed attempt, he decided to return to smoking his pipe. 

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