"I always thought you were gay."

Depuis le début


"Annabelle McCain, your father was unable to get here on time, he requested that Mr and Mrs Hood here, take you with them until he returns from his business trip." The polite police officer said, opening the cell and letting me free.

Instantly, I ran to Calum, thankful that he came, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head into his neck. I couldn't help it, the sobs and weeps left my mouth before anything else.

"It's alright, I'm here." He rubbed my back, hugging me also as I took in his scent. It was the same deodorant as Luke's, yet it smelt completely different, it didn't smell homely. Joy and David spoke to the cop, signing some things before giving Calum the car key and telling him they won't be long. He nodded, leading me out of the wretched place and opening the car door for me. He went round the other side, slipping in and sighing as he chucked the keys in the front seat.

"Was it Luke? If it was Y'know I'll pull him by that stupid lip ring all the way back to Australia." He stated, turning so his feet were on the middle seat and he was facing me. I mimicked his actions, leaning my cheek against the back rest and chuckling slightly at what he said.

"It was... and it wasn't. Ugh, it was Cole. They just wouldn't stop punching one another. And, Luke scared me. He just kept punching and punching, even when Cole was knocked out and possibly dead. He wouldn't listen to me and that made me think he wouldn't listen to me in other situations. I just- he was different... and now..." Cal took a hold of my hand squeezed it lightly, showing me he was listening. I shook my head and closed my eyes, I felt a lot better being with my best friend, I felt safer and more natural.

"How was your night with Nina huh? Did you get some?" I changed the topic onto him, which he never minded.

"No I didn't-"

"What? Why? You guys did the whole sex walk upstairs and everything! She gave you the eyes!" I interrupted, faking annoyance as I punched his arm.

"I know! But I realised that wasn't what I wanted. I mean- it was- I want a relationship with her and I didn't want to ruin it by having sex after two dates. She was still begging for me, obviously, have you seen me? So I ate her out and she might of sucked me off but that was it. Then we talked for hours until we heard the police sirens and made a run for it." He spoke with sarcasm, even though everything he said was true, chuckling loudly afterwards.

"Then she texted me saying that nothing changed and she still feels the same way, and she can't wait till date three, which was tonight but I rescheduled to next week with her." He finished, sitting forward and putting on his seatbelt as his parents opened the door. I did the same, crossing my arms afterwords and giving him a raised eyebrow.

"Why aren't you going tonight?" I asked, smiling weakly back to Joy as she started to drive.

"'Cause, me and you are in need of a marvel marathon and-"

" Marvelthon." I muttered, looking over to him as he crossed his eyebrows. 


"Marvel marathon; marvelthon. Was it not with you where I made it up?" Confused, I tried to think back to when I did.

"No?" He laughed, as did his parents as we started to near his house.

"Oh. Must of been Luke." I muttered, clearly remembering now as the thought of his dad scoffing at my excitement came to mind. Cal swallowed, realising my discomfort and opening his mouth to speak, only to get interrupted by me. "Anyway, you should go, you don't even like marvel. I'll watch them on my own, then when you get back you can tell me all about it. Tell me all the goss." Giggling, I got out of the car and walked the familiar path to his front door.

"I'm surprised more people don't think I'm your gay best friend." He waited as his dad opened the front door, allowing me in first before following after.

"Calum!" His mum yelled, thinking his answer was rather un-needed.

"What!? It's true! I act kinda gay around Annie!" He retaliated as we all- apart from David- went into the kitchen.

"So you're saying I make you gay? Am I that off putting that I made you not like the female gender?" I couldn't stop laughing, and neither could Joy as she watched the playful banter between me and her son.

"No! No, no, I'm just saying- I'm not actually gay! I'm just saying that people might think I'm gay because you always make me do face masks and paint my nails and stuff whenever I come over-"

-"no I don't."

"I always thought you were gay." Joy stated, making Calum's eyes to widen and face to turn tomatoes red as I fell onto the floor in hysterics, actually crying from how funny this scene was.

"What!? How!? I've had girlfriends! I'm not gay! I like women, females, vaginas-"

"Calum!" His mum yelled, not liking so much where the conversation was going.

Screaming with laughter, I stood up, wiping my eyes and patting Calum on the back before speaking. "It's ok if your gay Cal." Joy couldn't help but laugh now either, finding Calum's reaction hilarious.

"Shut up. I hate all of you. Passionately. You are never giving me a face mask again. And I'm never making you pancakes again." He pointed his finger from me to his mum, laughing slightly as he couldn't keep it in. He passed me a can of coke from the fridge, getting one himself also, before leading the way upstairs to his large room and turning the TV on.


Cal was currently in the shower getting ready for his dinner date with Nina. He was taking her to Antonio's downtown, then he said he was going to take her for a walk so he would be back quiet late. I picked out his clothes for him, then sat back on his grey fluffy duvet watching the first episode of stranger things on Netflix. He had a huge TV at the end of his bed, so I was laying sprawled out on it while eating a bowl of M&Ms.

He exited the bathroom, fully dressed and hair styled, an expression of worry on his face. I opened my mouth to speak, but he already answered my question when he started rambling on.

"Do I take a condom? I mean- I'm not going for sex, and I'm not bothered if we don't have sex but what if she really wants to and gets mad if I don't y'know? Girls are weird and she might be cranky but I don't want to have pity sex with her I want to have normal sex where she wants to do it with me and not just because she's horny. What if she brings a condom? Should I feel objectified and reject the offer or do I just think that she was prepared and ready? Why are girls so complicated!?" He yelled, falling backwards on to the bed and eating some of the M&Ms.

I moved the sweets away from him, ignoring his pout as I sat up and looked at his worrisome state.

"Cal, you'll be fine. It's only Nina, she'll find whatever you do a kind gesture. What she won't find a kind gesture is you being late so you better get your shoes on." I poked his side, causing him to jump up and scowl. He got his shoes, slipping them on before checking himself out in the mirror. He waited for me to give him a thumbs up before turning around.

"You know where everything is, don't go in my condom drawer and don't masturbate on my bed. My mums period stuff is in the bathroom if you need anything. Also, tulips or roses?" He listed the things not to do, even though I wasn't planning on doing them anyway, and changed the subject back onto his date.

"Daisies, Nina likes Daisies." I answer, giving him a wide smile and ruffling up his hair, which caused him to groan in annoyance.

"Daisies. Nina likes daisies. What does Nina like? Daisies. Bye!" I have never seen Calum so worked up about a girl, it's so cute. Nina and I are close, she's probably my best girl friend that I have, I'm so happy Calum found someone like her, and visa versa.

so chapters about collage are coming up and I'm writing from book knowledge
I'm British so I have no idea what collage in America is like
I'm basing it off films and books so sorry if it's completely wrong
Thank you!
Vote and comment please :)
Lotta love
A xx

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